Russia and the West in the Eighteenth Century: Proceedings of the II International Conference organized by the Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia, held at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, England, 17-22 July, 1981, edited by Anthony G. Cross (Newtonville, MA: Oriental Research Partners, 1983).

Introduction [iv]

List of Participants [vi]


Paul Dukes, How the Eighteenth Century Began for Russia and the West [pp. 2-19]

H. Grasshoff, German Awareness of Russian Literature in the Eigghteenth Century [pp. 20-29]

Isabel de Madariaga, Catherine and the Philosophes [pp. 30-52]

И. З. Серман, Россия и Запад [pp. 53-67]


I. Printing, Publishing and Journalism

M. Альтшуллер & И. Ф. Мартынов, Н. Ф. Грамматин - переводчик Оссиана [pp. 69-78]

Helmut Keiper, German Writers in Novikov's Journals "Утренный свет" and "Московское ежемесячное издание" (The "Moralische Briefe zur Bildung des Herzens" by Johann Jakob Dusch) [pp. 79-93]

Horst Röhling, Illustrated Publications on Fireworks and Illuminations in Eighteenth-Century Russia [pp. 94-100]

Lindsey A. J. Hughes, Architectural Books in Petrine Russia [pp. 101-108]

Walter Gleason, The Image of the West in the Journals of Mid-Eighteenth-Century Russia [pp. 109-117]

Gary Marker, Discussant's Comments [pp. 118-122]

II. Ideas

George E. Munro, Politics, Sexuality and Servility: The Debate between Catherine II and the Abbé Chappe d'Auteroche [pp. 124-134]

Tanya Page, Helvetianism as Allegory in the "Dream" and the "Peasant Rebellion" in Radishchev's "Путешествие из Петербурга в Москву" [pp. 135-143]

Б. И. Краснобаев, Pроблема культурных отношении России и Запада в трудах дореволюционых историков [pp. 144-151]

Stephen L. Baehr, In the Re-Beginning: Rebirth, Renewal and "Renovatio" in Eighteenth-Century Russia [pp. 152-166]

Isabel de Madariaga, Discussant's Comments [pp. 167-172]

III. Literature

Ю. Д. Левин, Раннее восприятие Джонатана Свифта в России [pp. 174-184]

Alexander Levitsky, Early Concepts of the Russian "Ода духовная" [pp. 185-195]

Karen Rosenberg, The Quarrel between Ancients and Moderns in Russia (pp. 196-205)

Michael Green, Diderot and Kheraskov: Sentamentalism in its Classicist Stage [pp. 206-213]

М. Альтшуллер, "Разсуждение о старом и новом слоге российского языка" как политический документ [pp. 214-222]

G. S. Smith, Discussant's Comments [pp. 223-226]

IV. Transactions with the West

Max J. Okenfuss, The Cultural Transformation of Petr Tolstoi [pp. 228-237]

Karen Rasmussen, Images of National Greatness in the St Petersburg and Moscow "Vedomosti" [pp. 238-248]

W. E. Butler, Treaty Collections in Eighteenth-Century Russia: Encounters with European Experience [pp. 249-258]

M. Katz, Discussant's Comments [pp. 259-260]

The Armed Forces, Government and Society

Walter M. Pintner, Russia's Military Style, Russian Society and Russian Power in the Eighteenth Century [pp. 262-270]

М. Курмачева, Полководец А. В. Суворова в оценке русского общества [pp. 271-281]

Bruce W. Menning, Russia and the West: the Problem of Eighteenth-Century Military Models [pp. 282-293]

Brenda Meehan-Waters, The Development and the Limits of Security of Noble Status, Person and Property in Eighteenth-Century Russia [pp. 294-305]

Janet M. Hartley, Catherine's Conscience Court - An English Equity Court? [pp. 306-318]

H. Ragsdale, Discussant's Comments [pp. 319-323]

VI. Commerce and Industry

Herbert H. Kaplan, Russian Commerce and British Industry: A Case Study in Resource Scarcity in the Eighteenth Century [pp. 325-335]

Alastair J. Durie, Russia's Role in the Industrialisation of Scotland [pp. 336-347]

Clifford M. Foust, The Rhubarb Connection [pp. 348-353]

Roger P. Bartlett, Charles Gascoigne in Russia. A Case Study in the Diffusion of British Technology 1786-1806 [pp. 354-367]

Gordon Jackson, Discussant's Comments [pp. 368-372]