Reading Eighteenth-Century Russian Texts

Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia International Workshop

2-5 July 2005. Villa Cagnola, Gazzada, Italy.

Convenors: Maria di Salvo (Milan) and Lindsey Hughes (London)

Villa Cagnola The park at Villa Cagnola

Saturday 2 July

20.00 Dinner

Sunday 3 July

09.00 - Panel 1. Chair: Lindsey Hughes
  1. Denis Shaw (Birmingham, UK): 'Reading the Book of the Great Map'
  2. Janet Hartley (London, UK): 'Two Lists of Supplies Given to Army Recruits, Voronezh 1770 and Keksholm 1799'
  3. Anthony Cross (Cambridge, UK): 'Pieces of Silver: The Peace of August 1790'

10.30 - Coffee

11.00 - Panel 2. Chair: Gary Marker
  1. Gareth Jones (Bangor, UK): 'Трутень 1769: Novikov's Каковы мои читатели. Who were the 18th-century readers?'
  2. Giovanna Moracci (Urbino, Italy): 'A Play and its Source. Catherine II's adaptation of Diderot's dramas'
  3. Andrei Zorin (Oxford, UK): 'Andrei Turgenev's Diary, 1799-1803'

13.00 - Lunch

Panel 3. Chair: Viktor Zhivov

  1. Lindsey Hughes (London, UK): 'The Tomb of Peter I in the Peter-Paul Cathedral'
  2. Paul Keenan (London, UK): 'Account of the Wedding of Peter Fedorovich and Ekaterina Alekseevna (1745)'
  3. Simon Dixon (Leeds, UK): 'Catherine II's Coronation Ritual'

16.30 - Tea

Panel 4. Chair: Gareth Jones
  1. Eliza Maick (Lodz, Poland): 'Комическая опера князя Д. Горчакова Калиф на час'
  2. Vittore Gherbezza (Udine, Italy): 'Shcherbatov's Translation of Beccaria's Dei delitti e delle pene'
  3. Alessandra Tosi (Cambridge, UK): 'Zinaida Volkonskaia, Couplet sur le gotique (1812?)'
  4. Phillip Bullock: (London, UK): 'Новейший туалетный песенник: для милых девушек и любезних женщин (Orel, 1821): A Missing Link in the history of the Russian romance?'

20.00 - Dinner

Monday 4 July

09.00 - Panel 5. Chair: Elise Wirtschafter
  1. Alexander Kamenskii (Moscow): 'An 18th-Century Letter from Prison'
  2. Roger Bartlett (Nottingham, UK): 'The St Petersburg Panopticon (1807-1818)'
  3. Wendy Rosslyn (Nottingham, UK): 'The First Annual Report of the Women's Patriotic Society'

10.30 - Coffee

11.00 - Panel 6. Chair: Simon Dixon
  1. Gary Marker (New York, USA): 'Peter I's Decree on the Coronation of Catherine, November 1723'
  2. Viktor Zhivov (Berkley, USA): 'Стратегии пророчества: проповедь Стфана Яворского на память Алексея человека Божия'
  3. Elise Wirtschafter (Pomona, USA): 'Religious Instruction in 18th-Century Russia: The Catechisms of Platon Levshin'

13.00 - Lunch

14.00 - Visit to Villa Cagnola Treasures

15.30 - 'Italian Architects in St.Petersburg': a presentation by Nicola Navone and Letizia Tedeschi (Archivio del Modemo, Mendrisio, Switzerland).

16.00 - Tea

16.30 - Panel 7. Chair: Anthony Cross
  1. Maria Di Salvo (Milan): 'Algarotti's Project for an 'Histoire metallique de la Russie'
  2. Laura Rossi (Milan): '"Vergilij" M. N. Murav'eva. K probleme Gumanizma v Rossii'
  3. Mikhail Velizhev (Moscow-Milan): '"Pis'mo k izdateliu" N. M. Karamzina (1802) v kontekste evfopeiskoi literatumoi kritiki'

20.00 - Dinner

Tuesday 5 July

Optional excursion to Castiglione Olona.