VII International Conference of the Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia (Wittenberg)

23rd-29th July 2004

Hosted by the Slavonic Institute of the Martin-Luther-University (Halle-Wittenberg), in cooperation with the Interdisciplinary Research Centre on the European Enlightenment (Halle)

Organized by Professor Gabriela Lehmann-Carli.

Friday 23 July

16.00 - Tea

17.00 - Opening ceremony

  • Professor Gerhard Meiser (Dekan des Fachbereichs Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften der Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg)
  • Professor Anthony Cross (University of Cambridge; President of the Study Group on Eighteenth Century Russia)
  • Professor Natal'ia Dmitrievna Kochetkova (Институт русской литературы, St Petersburg; Президент Русского общества по изучению XVIII века)
  • Professor Gabriela Lehmann-Carli (organizer)

17.30 - Panel I: Memorials and Monuments in Eighteenth-Century Russia
Chair: Lindsey Hughes (London)

  • John Klier (London): Commemorating Bogdan Chmielnicki / Bohdan Khmelnytsky in Kiev
  • Antony Lentin (Buckinghamshire): Two Forms of Literary Memorial: On the Death of M. M. Shcherbatov and his son Ivan, 1790

19.00 - Reception

Saturday 24 July

09.00 - Panel II: War and Society
Chair: Elise K. Wirtschafter (Beverly Hills)
  • Janet Hartley (London): War and the Merchants: the Great Northern War
  • Sergei Kozlov (St Petersburg): War and Taxation in the Reign of Catherine the Great
  • Douglas Smith (Seattle/Washington): War, Intrigue, and the Suppression of Russian Freemasonry in 1792
  • Alexander Martin (Atlanta): The Middle Strata of Moscow and the Napoleonic Invasion of 1812

11.00 - Coffee

11.30 - Panel III: Doing Business in Eighteenth-Century Russia
Chair: Robert E. Jones (Amherst/Massachusetts)
  • Elisabeth Harder-Gersdorff (Bielefeld): Western Trade and Merchant banking in Eighteenth-Century Riga
  • David Ransel (Bloomington): Merchants and their aspirations (temptations)
  • Robert E. Jones (Amherst/Massachusetts): Merchant Bankruptcy and the Courts
  • George Munro (Richmond): The Merchants of Iaroslavl'

15.00 - Excursion (Wittenberg)

17.00 - Tea

17.30 - Round-table on Eighteenth-Century Russian Towns
Chair: Alexander Kamenskii (Moscow)
  • Maia Lavrinovich (Moscow): Police and Practice of Eighteenth-Century Russian Towns' Administration
  • Daniel Kaiser (Grinnell): Sheltering the Poor in Eighteenth-Century Russian Towns
  • Olga Kosheleva (Moscow): Petersburg Townsmen of the Petrine Time
  • Roger Bartlett (London): Baltic and Russian towns in the Eighteenth Century

Sunday 25 July

09.00 - Excursion to Würlitz Park and Castle

14.30 - Panel IV: Russian Literature
Chair: Joachim Klein (Leiden)
  • Nadezhda Ju. Alekseeva (St Petersburg): Полемика между В. К. Тредяковским , М. В. Ломоносовым и А. П. Сумароковым о переводе стихов
  • Kirill A. Ospovat (Moscow): "Наших стран Малерб": Ломоносов и проблема литературной эволюции
  • Sergei I. Nikolaev (St Petersburg): Топика литературного труда в представлениях русских писателей XVIII века
  • Joachim Klein (Leiden): "Немедленное искорение всех пороков": О моралистических журналах Екатерины II и Н. И. Новикова

16.30 - Tea

17.00 - Panel V: Russian Theatre
Chairs: Herta Schmid (Potsdam)/ Silke Brohm (Leipzig)
  • Giovanna Moracci (Rome): Performing History. Catherine II's Historical Dramas
  • Lurana O'Malley (Hawaii): Catherine the Great's "Rage aux Proverbes"
  • Jan van der Meer (Amsterdam): Theatre under Catherine and Stanislaus - a comparision
  • Wendy Rosslyn (Nottingham): Women in Russian theatre
  • Maria Chiara Pesenti (Bergamo): Аллегория и дидактизм в театре и в народной картинке

Monday 26 July

09.00 - Panel VI: Censorship in Russia and the Construction of National Identity in Russia
Chair: Gabriela Lehmann-Carli (Halle)
  • Viktor Zhivov (Moscow): Екатерина Второй: "Всякая всячина" и реконцептуализация истории
  • Irina Kulakova (Moscow): Национальная модель Российского университета
  • Galina A. Kosmolinskaia (Moscow): Становление цензуры в Московском университете
  • Silke Brohm (Leipzig): Censorship in Russian Theatre

11.00 - Coffee

11.30 - Panel VII: The Reception of Lutheran Theology and Pietism in Russia
Chair: Natal'ia D. Kochetkova (Russia)
  • Stefan Reichelt (Leipzig): The reception of Johann Arndt in Russia
  • Michael Schippan (Berlin): Восприятие лютеранских авторов в России (Spalding, Crugot, Stender)
  • Natal'ia D. Kochetkova (St Petersburg): Восприятие пиетизма в русском масонстве
15.00 - Panel VIII: Secular-Sacred Divides in Eighteenth-Century Russia
Chair: Gary Marker (New York)
  • Lindsey Hughes (London): Seeing the Sights in Eighteenth-Century Russia: the Moscow Kremlin
  • Dan Waugh (Seattle, Washington): Icon Processions and the Changing Configuration of Sacred Space in Early Modern Russia: the Case of Viatka
  • Marcus Levitt (Los Angeles): Civil and Church scripts as Cultural Demarcators
  • Gary Marker (New York): Religion and Gender

17.00 - Tea

20.00 - Conference Dinner (Best Western Stadtpalais, Wittenberg)

Первая реформа стихосложения: стихи Ломоносова, Сумарокова, Тредяковского - читает Сергей Бирюков

Tuesday 27 July

09.00 - Panel IX: Eccentrics and Adventurers
Chair: Anthony Cross (Cambridge)
  • John T. Alexander (Kansas): The Adventures of a Russian American Citizen of the Universe: Fedor Karzhavin (1745-1812)
  • Anthony Cross (Cambridge): Publish and Perish: The Melancholy Fate of Nikolai Struiskii
  • David Griffiths (Chapel Hill): The Other Emin
  • Gareth Jones (Bangor): Who were the Eccentrics of Literature?

11.00 Coffee

11.30 - Panel X: Intercultural Translation and Institutions
Chair: Michael Schippan (Berlin)
  • Ingrid Schierle (Tübingen): "For the Benefit and Glory of the Fatherland"? The Concept of Otechestvo
  • Charles Drage (London): Asclepiads and Archilochians in Eighteenth-Century Russian Poetry
  • Maria Bragone (Pavia): "De civilitate morum puerilium": Эразма Роттердамского в России (конец XVII века - первая половина XVIII века)
  • Mark G. Altshuller (Pittsburgh): Санкт-Петербург глазами одописцев XVIII века

14.00 - Excursion to Halle, the Foundations of Francke and the Interdisciplinary Research Centres on the European Enlightenment and Pietism

Wednesday 28 July

09.00 - Panel XI: Historical Methods and Concepts: The Problematica of Eighteenth-Century Russia
Chair: Douglas Smith (Seattle, Washington)
  • Elise K. Wirtschafter (Beverly Hills): Russian Divergence and the Problem of Civil Society
  • Nancy S. Kollmann (Stanford): Using the Law to Assess Continuity and Change over the Petrine Divide
  • Andrei Zorin (Moscow): Towards the Cultural History of Emotions: New Concepts of Love and Late Eighteenth-Century Nobles
  • Alexander Kamenskii (Moscow): Historical Anthropology and the Study of Eighteenth-Century Russia

11.00 - Coffee

11.30 - Panel XII: The Social and Cultural Context of Late Eighteenth-Century Russian Literature
Chair: Paola Ferretti (Rome)
  • Sara Dickinson (Genoa): The Social Identity and Self-Presentation of Denis Fonvizin
  • Maria Luisa Dodero (Genoa): На границе империи: усадьба Монрепо
  • Gitta Hammarberg (St Paul): Castalian Curative Springs: Muses and Muzhiks in Lipetsk
  • Alessandra Tosi (Cambridge): "Political Travelogue" фон Ферцена: Путешествие критики
15.00 - Panel XIII: Science and Cartography in Eighteenth-Century Russia
Chair: Denis Shaw (London)
  • Aleksei Postnikov (Moscow): On a History of Charting of the Northern Pacific Coasts and Islands in the Eighteenth Century
  • Charles Ellis (London): The St Petersburg Academy and its Part in the First International Scientific Enterprise: the Transits of Venus, 1761 and 1769
  • Andreas Renner (Köln): The Concept of the Scientific Revolution and the Russian History of Science

16.30 - Tea

Thursday 29 July

09.00 - Excursion (Potsdam-Sanssouci and Berlin)