Books by Members of the Study Group
John T. Alexander, Catherine the Great: Life and Legend (Oxford University Press: 1989)
Evgenii V. Anisimov, Податная реформа Петра I (Наука: 1982)
Evgenii V. Anisimov, Россия в середине XVIII века. Борьба за наследие Петра (Мысль: 1986)
Evgenii V. Anisimov, Время петровских реформ (Лениздат: 1989)
Evgenii V. Anisimov, Россия без Петра (Лениздат: 1994)
Evgenii V. Anisimov, Государственные преобразования и самодержавие Петра Великого в первой четверти XVIII века (Дмитрий Буланин: 1997)
Evgenii V. Anisimov, Дыба и кнут: политический сыск и русское общество в XVIII века (Новое литературное обозрение: 1999)
Evgenii V. Anisimov, Елизавета Петровна (Молодая гвардия: 1999)
Evgenii V. Anisimov, Юный град: Петербург при Петре Великом (Дмитрий Буланин: 2003)
Evgenii V. Anisimov, Анна Иоанновна (Молодая гвардия: 2004)
Evgenii V. Anisimov, Иван VI Антонович (Молодая гвардия: 2008)
Evgenii V. Anisimov, N. L. Korsakova (eds), Культурные инициативы Петра Великого: Материалы II Международного конгресса петровских городов. Санкт-Петербург, 9 – 11 июня 2010 года (Европейский дом: 2011
Evgenii V. Anisimov, Держава и топор: царская власть, политический сыск и русское общество в XVIII веке (Новое литературное обозрение: 2019)
Stephen Baehr, The Paradise Myth in Eighteenth-Century Russia (Stanford University Press: 1991)
Roger Bartlett, Philip Clendinning (eds), Eighteenth Century Russia: A Select Bibliography of Works Published Since 1955 (ORP: 1981)
Roger Bartlett (ed.), Land Commune And Peasant Community in Russia: Communal Forms in Imperial And Early Soviet Society (Palgrave Macmillan: 1990)
Roger Bartlett, A History of Russia (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005)
J. L. Black, Nicholas Karamzin and Russian Society in the Nineteenth Century: A Study in Russian Political and Historical Thought (University of Toronto Press: 1975)
J. L. Black (ed.), Essays on Karamzin: Russian Man-of-Letters, Political Thinker, Historian, 1766-1826 (Mouton: 1975)
J. L. Black, Citizens for the Fatherland: Education, Educators and Pedagogical Ideals in Eighteenth-Century Russia (Columbia University Press: 1979)
J. L. Black, G.-F. Müller and the Imperial Russian Academy (McGill-Queen's University Press: 1986)
Ekaterina Boltunova, Гвардия Петра Великого как военная корпорация (РГГУ: 2011)
Ekaterina Boltunova, Willard Sutherland (eds), Регионы российской империи: идентичность, репрезентация, (на)значение (Новое литературное обозрение: 2021)
Konstantin Bugrov, Монархия и реформы. Политические взгляды Н. И. Панина (Банк культурной информации: 2015)
Konstantin Bugrov, Естественное право и добродетель: интеграция европейского влияния в российскую политическую культуру XVIII века (Изд. Урал. ун-та: 2016)
William E. Butler (ed.), P. P. Shafirov: Discourse on the Causes of War between Russia and Sweden (Oceana Publications: 1973)
William E. Butler, Russian Law: Historical and Political Perspectives (A. W. Sijthoff: 1977)
William E. Butler, On the Origins of International Legal Science in Russia: The Role of P. P. Shafirov (Kluwer: 2002)
William E. Butler, Vladimir A. Tomsinov(eds), The Nakaz of Catherine the Great: Collected Texts (Lawbook Exchange: 2010)
Robert Collis, Anders Onnerfors (eds), Freemasonry and Fraternalism in Eighteenth-Century Russia (University of Sheffield Press: 2009)
Wim Coudenys, Emmanuel Waegemans, Reis van Petersburg naar Moskou: een geschiedenis (Benerus: 2013)
James Cracraft, The Church Reform of Peter the Great (Stanford University Press: 1971)
James Cracraft, For God and Peter the Great: The Works of Thomas Consett, 1723-1729 (Columbia University Press: 1981)
James Cracraft, The Petrine Revolution in Russian Architecture (University of Chicago Press: 1988)
James Cracraft, The Petrine Revolution in Russian Imagery (University of Chicago Press: 1997)
James Cracraft, The Petrine Revolution in Russian Culture (Harvard University Press: 2004)
Anthony Cross, N. M. Karamzin: A Study of His Literary Career, 1783-1803 (1971)
Anthony Cross (ed.), Russia under Western Eyes, 1517-1825 (Elek: 1971)
Anthony Cross, 'By the Banks of the Thames': Russians in Eighteenth-Century Britain (ORP: 1980)
Anthony Cross, G. S. Smith (eds), Eighteenth-Century Russian Literature, Culture and Thought: A Bibliography of English-Language Scholarship and Translations (ORP: 1984)
Anthony Cross, The Russian Theme in English Literature from the Sixteenth Century to the Present: An Introductory Survey and a Bibliography (Meeuws: 1985)
Anthony Cross, An English Lady at the Court of Catherine the Great: The Journal of Elizabeth Dimsdale, 1781 (Crest: 1989)
Anthony Cross (ed.), Engraved in the Memory: James Walker, Engraver to Catherine the Great, and His Russian Anecdotes (Berg: 1993)
Anthony Cross, Peter the Great Through British Eyes: Perceptions and Representations of the Tsar Since 1698 (Cambridge University Press: 2000)
Anthony Cross, Catherine the Great and the British: A Pot-Pourri of Essays (Astra Press: 2001)
Anthony Cross (ed.), St Petersburg 1703-1825 (Palgrave: 2003)
Anthony Cross, St Petersburg and the British: The City through the Eyes of British Visitor and Residents (Frances Lincoln: 2008)
Robert Crummey, Lloyd Berry (eds), Rude and Barbarous Kingdom: Russia in the Accounts of Sixteenth-Century English Voyagers University of Wisconsin Press: 1968)
Robert Crummey, The Old Believers and the World of Antichrist: The Vyg Community and the Russian State, 1694–1855 (University of Wisconsin Press: 1970)
Robert Crummey, The Formation of Muscovy 1300-1613 (Longman: 1987)
Robert Crummey, Holm Sundhaussen, Ricarda Vulpius (eds), Russische und Ukrainische Geschichte Vom 16.-18. Jahrhundert (Harrassowitz: 2001)
Robert Crummey, Old Believers in a Changing World (Northern Illinois University Press: 2011)
Simon Dixon, The Modernisation of Russia, 1676–1825 (Cambridge University Press: 1999)
Simon Dixon, Catherine the Great (Longman/Pearson Educational: 2001)
Simon Dixon, Catherine the Great (Profile Books/HarperCollins: 2009)
Lurana Donnels O'Malley, The Dramatic Works of Catherine the Great: Theatre and Politics in Eighteenth-Century Russia (Ashgate: 2006)
Charles L. Drage, Russian Literature in the Eighteenth Century: The Solemn Ode, the Epic, Other Poetic Genres, the Story, the Novel, Drama (1978)
Charles L. Drage, Russian Word-play Poetry from Simeon Polotskii to Derzhavin (SSEES: 1993)
Paul Dukes (ed.), Russia Under Catherine the Great: Select Documents on Government and Society, 2 vols (ORP: 1977)
Paul Dukes, The Making of Russian Absolutism, 1613-1801, 2nd edition (Longman: 1990)
Paul Dukes, World Order in History: Russia and the West (Routledge: 1995)
Paul Dukes, A History of Russia: Medieval, Modern, Contemporary, c. 882-1996, 2nd edition (Palgrave Macmillan: 1998)
Paul Dukes, Graeme Herd, Jarmo Kotilaine, Stuarts and Romanovs: The Rise and Fall of a Special Relationship (Edinburgh University Press: 2009)
Paul Dukes, A History of the Urals: Russia's Crucible from Early Empire to the Post-Soviet Era (Bloomsbury: 2015)
Amanda Ewington, A Voltaire for Russia: A. P. Sumarokov's Journey from Poet-Critic to Russian Philosophe (Northwestern University Press: 2010)
Raffaella Faggionato, A Rosicrucian Utopia in Eighteenth-Century Russia: The Masonic Circle of N. I. Novikov (Kluwer: 2005)
Igor' Fediukin, Maia Lavrinovich (eds), "Регулярная академия учреждена будет...": Образовательные проекты в России в первой половине XVIII века (Новое издательство: 2015)
Igor' Fediukin (ed.), Французский авантюрист при дворе Петра I: письма и бумаги барона де Сент-Илера (Изд. НИУ ВШЭ: 2018)
Igor' Fediukin (ed.), Заботы и дни секунд-майора Алексея Ржевского (Изд. НИУ ВШЭ: 2019)
Paola Ferretti, A Russian Advocate of Peace: Vasilii Malinovskii (1765-1814) (Kluwer: 1998)
Simon Franklin, Emma Widdis (eds), National Identity in Russian Culture. An Introduction (Cambridge University Press: 2004)
Simon Franklin, The Russian Graphosphere, 1450-1850 (Cambridge University Press: 2019)
David Griffiths, George E. Munro (eds), Catherine II's Charters of 1785 to the Nobility and the Towns. Laws of Russia, Series II: Imperial Russia (Charles Schlacks: 1991)
David Griffiths, Екатерина II и ее мир: Статьи разных лет, ред. М. Б. Лавринович, И. И. Федюкин (Новое литературное обозрение: 2013)
David Griffiths, No Collusion!: Catherine the Great and American Independence, ed. George E. Munro (Slavica: 2020)
Janet Hartley (ed.), The Study of Russian History from British Archival Sources (Mansell: 1986)
Janet Hartley, Alexander I (Longman: 1994)
Janet Hartley, A Social History of the Russian Empire 1650-1825 (Longman: 1999)
Janet Hartley, Charles Whitworth: Diplomat in the Age of Peter the Great (Ashgate: 2002)
Janet Hartley, Russia, 1762-1825: Military Power, the State, and the People (Greenwood: 2008)
Janet Hartley, Siberia: a History of the People (Yale University Press: 2014)
Janet Hartley, The Volga: A History (Yale University Press: 2020)
Richard Hellie, Enserfment and Military Change in Muscovy (University of Chicago Press: 1971)
Richard Hellie, Slavery in Russia, 1450–1725 (University of Chicago Press: 1982)
Richard Hellie, The Economy and Material Culture of Russia, 1600-1725 (University of Chicago Press: 1999)
Charlotte Henze, Disease, Health Care and Government in Late Imperial Russia: Life and Death on the Volga, 1823-1910 (Routledge: 2011)
Hilde Hoogenboom, Markus Cruse (ed. & transl.), The Memoirs of Catherine the Great (Penguin Random House: 2005)
Lindsey Hughes, Russia and the West: The Life of a Seventeenth-century Westernizer, Prince Vasily Vasil'evich Golitsyn (1643-1714) (ORP: 1984)
Lindsey Hughes, Sophia, Regent of Russia, 1657-1704 (Yale University Press: 1990)
Lindsey Hughes, Russia in the Age of Peter the Great (Yale University Press: 1998)
Lindsey Hughes (ed.), Peter the Great and the West: New Perspectives (Palgrave: 2001)
Lindsey Hughes, Peter the Great: A Biography (Yale University Press: 2002)
Lindsey Hughes, The Romanovs: Ruling Russia, 1613-1917 (Hambledon Continuum: 2008)
W. Gareth Jones, Nikolay Novikov, Enlightener of Russia (Cambridge University Press: 1984)
Robert E. Jones, Emancipation of Russian Nobility, 1762-1785 (Princeton University Press: 1973)
Robert E. Jones, Provincial Development in Russia: Catherine II and Jakob Sievers (Rutgers University Press: 1984)
Robert E. Jones, Bread Upon the Water: The St Petersburg Grain Trade and the Russian Economy, 1703-1811 (University of Pittsburgh Press: 2013)
Aleksandr B. Kamenskii, "Под сению Екатерины..." Вторая половина XVIII века (Лениздат: 1992)
Aleksandr B. Kamenskii, The Russian Empire in the Eighteenth Century: Searching for a Place in the World (ME Sharpe: 1997)
Aleksandr B. Kamenskii, Жизнь и судьба императрицы Екатерины Великой (Знание: 1997)
Aleksandr B. Kamenskii, От Петра I до Павла I. Реформы в России XVIII века. Опыт целостного анализа (Изд. РГГУ: 1999)
Aleksandr B. Kamenskii, Повседневность русских городских обывателей: исторические анекдоты из провициальной жизны XVIII века (Изд. РГГУ: 2006)
Aleksandr B. Kamenskii (ed.), «Сибирские заметки» чиновника и сочинителя Ипполита Канарского (Изд. НИУ ВШЭ: 2021)
Paul Keenan, St Petersburg and the Russian Court, 1703-1761 (Palgrave Macmillan: 2013)
Joachim Klein, Пути культурного импорта. Труды по русской литературе XVIII века (Языки славянской культуры: 2005)
Joachim Klein, При Екатерине. Труды по русской литературе XVIII века (Языки славянской культуры: 2021)
Natal'ia D. Kochetkova, Николай Карамзин (1975)
Natal'ia D. Kochetkova, Фонвизин в Петербурге (Лениздат: 1984)
Natal'ia D. Kochetkova, Литература русского сентиментализма (Эстетические и художественные искания) (Наука: 1994)
Natal'ia D. Kochetkova (ed.), Маргиналии русских писателей XVIII века (Дмитрий Буланин: 1994)
Nancy Shields Kollmann, The Russian Empire, 1450-1801 (Oxford University Press: 2017)
Ol'ga E. Kosheleva, Люди Санкт-Петербургского острова Петровского времени (ОГИ: 2004)
Anna Kuxhausen, From the Womb to the Body Politic: Raising the Nation in Enlightenment Russia (University of Wisconsin Press: 2013)
Colum Leckey, Patrons of Enlightenment: The Free Economic Society in Eighteenth-Century Russia (University of Delaware Press: 2011)
Gabriella Lehmann-Carli et al (eds), Russische Aufklärungsrezeption im Kontext offizieller Bildunskonzepte (1700-1825) (Berlin Verlag: 2001)
Carol Leonard, Reform and Regicide: The Reign of Peter III of Russia (Indiana University Press: 1993)
Marcus C. Levitt, Early Modern Russian Letters: Texts and Contexts (Academic Studies Press: 2009)
Isabel de Madariaga, Russia in the Age of Catherine the Great (Yale University Press: 1980)
Isabel de Madariaga, Catherine the Great: A Short History (Yale University Press: 1990)
Gary Marker, Publishing, Printing, and the Origins of the Intellectual Life in Russia, 1700-1800 (Princeton University Press: 1985)
Roderick McGrew, Paul I of Russia, 1754-1801 (Oxford University Press: 1992)
David Moon, The Russian Peasantry 1600-1930: The World the Peasants Made (Longman: 1999)
George E. Munro, The Most Intentional City: St. Petersburg in the Reign of Catherine the Great (Farleigh Dickinson University Press: 2008)
Patrick O'Meara, The Decembrist Pavel Pestel: Russia's First Republican (Palgrave Macmillan: 2003)
Patrick O'Meara, The Russian Nobility in the Age of Alexander I (Bloomsbury: 2019)
Max J. Okenfuss, The Discovery of Childhood in Russia: The Evidence of the Slavic Primer (ORP: 1980)
Max J. Okenfuss (ed.), The Travel Diary of Petr Tolstoi: A Muscovite in Early Modern Europe (Northern Illinois University Press: 1987)
Max J. Okenfuss, The Rise and Fall of Latin Humanism in Early Modern Russia: Pagan Authors, Ukrainians, and the Resiliency of Muscovy (Brill: 1995)
Kirill Ospovat, Katja Gvozdeva, Tat'iana Korneeva (eds), Dramatic Experience: Poetics of Drama and the Public Sphere(s) in Early Modern Europe (Brill: 2016)
Kirill Ospovat, Придворная словесность: институт литературы и конструкции абсолютизма в России в середине XVIII века (Москва: Новое литературное обозрение: 2020)
Elena Pogosian, Восторг русской оды и решение темы поэта в русском панегириге 1730-1762 гг. (Tartu Ülikool: 1997)
Elena Pogosian, Петр I -архитектор российской истории (Искусство-СПБ: 2001)
Irina Reyfman, Vasilii Trediakovsky: The Fool of the "New" Russian Literature (Stanford University Press: 1991)
Irina Reyfman, Ritualized Violence Russian Style: The Duel in Russian Culture and Literature (Stanford University Press: 1999)
Irina Reyfman, Andrew Kahn (eds and transl.), Alexander Radishchev: Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow (Columbia University Press: 2020)
Matthew Romaniello, The Elusive Empire: Kazan and the Creation of Russia, 1552-1671 (University of Wisconsin Press: 2012)
Matthew Romaniello, Enterprising Empires: Russia and Britain in Eighteenth-Century Eurasia (Cambridge University Press: 2019)
Matthew Romaniello, Alison K. Smith, Tricia Starks, The Life Cycle of Russian Things: From Fish Guts to Fabergé, 1600 - Present (Bloomsbury: 2021)
Wendy Rosslyn, Anna Bunina (1774-1829) and the Origins of Women's Poetry in Russia (Edwin Mellen Press: 1996)
Wendy Rosslyn (ed.), Women and Gender in Eighteenth-Century Russia(Ashgate: 2003)
Wendy Rosslyn, Deeds, Not Words: The Origins Of Women's Philanthropy in the Russian Empire (CREES: 2007)
Vladislav Rjéoutski, Anne Mézin (eds), Les Français en Russie au Siècle des Lumières: Dictionnaire des Français, Suisses, Wallons et autres francophones en Russie de Pierre le Grand à Paul Iier, 2 vols. (Centre international d'étude du XVIIIe siècle: 2011)
Vladislav Rjéoutski, Alexandre Tchoudinov (eds), Le Précepteur francophone en Europe. XVIIe-XIXe siècles (L'Harmattan: 2013)
Vladislav Rjéoutski, Derek Offord, Lara Ryazanova-Clarke, Gesine Argent (eds) French and Russian in Imperial Russia, 2 vols (Edinburgh University Press: 2015)
Vladislav Rjéoutski, Quand le français gouvernait la Russie. L’éducation de la noblesse russe 1750-1880 (L'Harmattan: 2016)
Vladislav Rjéoutski, Igor' Fediukin, Wladimir Berelowitch, Maia Lavrinovich (eds), Идеал воспитания дворянства в Европе: XVII-XIX века (Новое литературное обозрение: 2018)
W. F. Ryan, The Bathhouse at Midnight: An historical survey of magic and divination in Russia (Sutton: 1999)
W. F. Ryan, Russian Magic at the British Library: books, manuscripts, scholars, travellers [Panizzi Lectures, 2005] (British Library: 2006)
Maria di Salvo (ed.), Filippo Balatri: Vita e viaggi (Edizioni dell'Orso: 2020)
Michael Schippan, Die Einrichtung der Kollegien in Russland zur Zeit Peters I. (Harrassowitz: 1996)
Michael Schippan, Die Aufklärung in Russland im 18. Jahrhundert (Otto Harrassowitz: 2012)
Andreas Schönle, Authenticity and Fiction in the Russian Literary Journey, 1790–1840 (Harvard University Press: 2000)
Andreas Schönle, The Ruler in the Garden: Politics and Landscape Design in Imperial Russia (Peter Lang: 2007)
Andreas Schönle, Architecture of Oblivion: Ruins and Historical Consciousness in Modern Russia (Northern Illinois University Press, 2011)
Denis J. B. Shaw, Judith Pallot, Landscape and Settlement in Romanov Russia, 1613-1917 (Clarendon Press: 1990)
Denis J. B. Shaw, Jonathan Oldfield, The Development of Russian Environmental Thought: Scientific and Geographical Perspectives on the Natural Environment (Routledge: 2015)
Elena B. Smilianskaia, Волшебники. Богохульники. Еретики. Народная религиозность и «духовные преступления» в России XVIII в. (Индрик: 2003)
Elena B. Smilianskaia et al (eds), Россия в Средиземноморье. Архипелагская экспедиция Екатерины Великой (Индрик: 2011)
Elena B. Smilianskaia, Греческие острова Екатерины II: Опыты имперской политики России в Средиземноморье (Индрик: 2015)
Elena B. Smilianskaia, Волшебники, богохульники, еретики в сетях российского сыска XVIII века (Ломоносовъ: 2016)
Elena B. Smilianskaia, Julia Leikin, "Русская верность, честь и отвага" Джона Элфинстона: Повествование о службе Екатерине II и об Архипелагской экспедиции Российского флота (Новое литературное обозрение: 2020)
Alison K. Smith, Recipes for Russia: Food and Nationhood under the Tsars (Cornell University Press: 2008)
Alison K. Smith, Cabbage and Caviar: A History of Food in Russia (University of Chicago Press: 2021)
Danièle Tosato-Rigo, Andrei Iu. Andreev (eds), Император Александр I и Фредерик-Сезар Лагарп. Письма. Документы, in 3 vols (РОССПЕН: 2014-2017)
Danièle Tosato-Rigo, Sylvie Moret Petrini, L'appel de l’Est: précepteurs et gouvernantes suisses à la Cour de Russie (1780-1820) (Université de Lausanne: 2017)
Danièle Tosato-Rigo, Geneviève Heller, Denise Francillon (eds), Jeanne Huc-Mazelet: "Je suis moi, ils sont eux." Lettres et journal d'une gouvernante à la cour de Russie 1790-1804 (Ethno-Doc: 2018)
Steven Usitalo, William B. Whisenhurst (eds), Russian and Soviet History: From the Time of Troubles to the Collapse of the Soviet Union (Rowan & Littlefield: 2008)
Angelina Vacheva, Поэма-бурлеск в русской поэзии XVIII века (Карина-М: 1999)
Angelina Vacheva, Потомству Екатерина II. Идеи и нарративные стратегии в автобиографии императрицы (УИ-"Св.-Климент-Охридски": 2016)
Ricarda Vulpius, Martin Aust, Aleksej Miller (eds), Imperium inter pares: роль трансферов в истории Российской империи, 1700-1917 (Новое литературное обозрение: 2010)
Ricarda Vulpius, Die Geburt des Russländischen Imperiums. Herrschaftskonzepte und -praktiken im 18. Jahrhundert (Böhlau Verlag: 2020)
Emmanuel Waegemans, Eddy Stols (eds), Montagnes russes: la Russie vécue par des belges (EPO: 1989)
Emmanuel Waegemans, In de beste der werelden: Russen in het Westen 1600-1800 (Hadewijch: 1990)
Emmanuel Waegemans (ed.), Het land van de blauwe vogel. Russen in België (Dedalus: 1991)
Emmanuel Waegemans, Russische literatuur van de 18e eeuw (Benerus: 1996)
Emmanuel Waegemans, Peter de Grote in de Oostenrijkse Nederlanden; Петр Великий в землях Бельгий (Benerus: 1998)
Emmanuel Waegemans (ed.), Russia and the Low Countries in the Eighteenth Century (INOS: 1998)
Emmanuel Waegemans, De taal van Peter de Grote: Russisch-Nederlandse contacten en contrasten (Acco: 2006)
Emmanuel Waegemans, Петр Великий в Бельгии (Гиперион: 2007)
Emmanuel Waegemans, De filosofe op de troon: het literaire werk van Catharina II van Rusland (Benerus: 2010)
Emmanuel Waegemans, Царь в Республике. Второе путешествие Петра Великого в Нидерланды (1716-1717) (Eвропейский дом: 2013)
Emmanuel Waegemans, Путешествие Петра I по Южным Нидерландам в 1717 году: образ русского царя в Бельгии (Eвропейский дом: 2020)
Emmanuel Waegemans, Sint-Petersburg: De droomstad van de tsaar (Davidsfonds/Clauwaert V.Z.W.: 2021)
Simon Werrett, Fireworks: Pyrotechnic Arts and Sciences in European History (University of Chicago Press: 2010)
Richard Wortman, The Development of a Russian Legal Consciousness (University of Chicago Press: 1976)
Richard Wortman, Scenarios of Power: Myth and Ceremony in Russian Monarchy, 2 vols. (Princeton University Press: 1995)
Richard Wortman, Russian Monarchy: Representation and Rule (Academic Studies Press: 2013)
Richard Wortman, The Power of Language and Rhetoric in Russian Political History: Charismatic Words from the Eighteenth to the Twenty-First Centuries (Bloomsbury: 2019)
Viktor Zhivov, Language and Culture in Eighteenth Century Russia (Academic Studies Press: 2009)
Andrei Zorin, Появление героя: из истории русской эмоциональной культуры конца XVIII — начала XIX вв. (Новое литературное обозрение: 2016)
Festschrifts in Honour of Study Group Members
Forging a Common Legal Destiny: Liber Amicorum in Honour of William E. Butler, ed. A. L. Kolodkin et al. (Wildy, Simmonds & Hill: 2005)
Judaeo-Slavica et Russica: Festschrift Professor Ilya Serman, ed. Wolf Moskovich (Hebrew University/ Мосты культуры: 2004)
Художественный перевод и сравнительное изучение культур. Сборник памяти Ю. Д. Левина, ред. Н. Д. Кочеткова, В. Е. Багно (Наука: 2010)
Гиштории российские, или Опыты и разыскания к юбилею Александра Борисовича Каменского, cост. Е. В. Акельев, В. Е. Борисов; ред. Е. Б. Смилянская (Древлехранилище: 2014)
О вере и суевериях: сборник статей в честь Е.Б. Смилянской, сост. В. Е. Борисов, ред. Д. И. Антонов (Индрик: 2014)
Pieter Boulogne et al. (eds), "Люблю тебя, Петра творенье"; "Ik Hou Van Jou, Peters Creatie': Festschrift voor Emmanuel Waegemans (Uitgeverij Pegasus: 2016)
Дар дружества и муз: сборник статей в честь Натальи Дмитриевны Кочетковой, ред. А. Демин, А. Веселова (Альянс-Архео, 2018)
Memorial Volumes for Study Group Members
