SGECR Occasional Series
No.2 – Lucjan Lewitter, Eclipsis Poloniae (2017)
No.3 – Anthony Cross, A Chronological Listing of Publications, 1964-2019 (2020)
Proceedings of International Conferences
II - Russia and the West in the Eighteenth Century, ed. by A. G. Cross (1983)
IV - Literature, Lives, and Legality in Catherine's Russia, ed. by A. G. Cross & G. S. Smith (1994)
V - A Window on Russia, ed. by L. Hughes & M. di Salvo (1996)
VI - Reflections on Russia in the Eighteenth Century, ed. by J. Klein, S. Dixon & M. Fraanje (2001)
VII - Eighteenth-Century Russia: Society, Culture, Economy, ed. by R. Bartlett & G. Lehmann-Carli (2007)
Proceedings of International Workshops
Russia in the Reign of Peter the Great: Old and New Perspectives, ed. by A. G. Cross (1998), 2 vols.
Days from the Reigns of Eighteenth-Century Russian Rulers, ed. by A. G. Cross (2007), 2 vols.