SGECR Occasional Series No.3
Professor Anthony Cross, A Chronological Listing of Publications, 1964-2019
1) 'Karamzin and England', Slavonic and East European Review, XLIII, 91-114.
2) 'N.M. Karamzin and Barthélemy's "Voyage du jeune Anacharsis" ', Modern Language Review, LXI, 467-72.
3) 'Karamzin Studies', SEER, XLV, 1-11.
4) Review of N.M. Karamzin, Polnoe sobranie stikhotvorenii, edited by Iu.M. Lotman (M., 1966), SEER, XLV, 544-7.
5) 'Problems of Form and Literary Influence in the Poetry of Karamzin', Slavic Review, XXVII, 39-48.
6) 'George Borrow and Russia', Norfolk Life, X, no.78, 10-11.
7) Review of H.M. Nebel, N.M. Karamzin: A Russian Sentimentalist (The Hague/Paris, 1967), SEER, XLVI, 226-8.
8) Review of J. Clardy, G.R. Derzhavin: A Political Biography (The Hague/Paris, 1967), SEER, XLVI, 498-500.
9) 'George Borrow and Russia', MLR, LXIV, 363-71.
10) 'N.M. Karamzin's "Messenger of Europe" (Vestnik Evropy), 1802-3', Forum for Modern Language Studies, V, 1-25.
11) 'The Reverend William Tooke's Contribution to English Knowledge of Russia at the End of the Eighteenth Century', Canadian Slavic Studies, III, 106-15.
12) 'Raznovidnosti idillii v tvorchestve Karamzina', XVIII vek, VIII, 210-28.
13) 'Arcticus and The Bee (1790-4): An Episode in Anglo-Russian Cultural Relations', Oxford Slavonic Papers (New Series), II, 62-76.
14) 'Karamzin in English: A Review Article', CSS, III, 716-27.
15) 'The Breaking Strings of Chekhov and Turgenev', SEER, XLVII, 510-13.
16) Review of T. Bakounine, Répertoire biographique des francs-maçons russes (Paris, 1967) and P. Bourychkine, La Franc-maçonnerie en Russie (Paris/The Hague, 1967), in SEER, XLVII, 273-75.
17) Preface to reprint edition (London: Cass) of G. Pearson, Russia (1859).
18) 'Travellers' Accounts of Russia in the English Language: A Survey of Recent Editions and Bibliographies', CSS, IV, 327-36.
19) 'John Rogerson: Physician to Catherine the Great', CSS, IV, 594-601.
20) 'A Royal Blue-Stocking: Catherine the Great's Early Reputation in England as an Authoress', in Gorski Vijenats: A Garland of Essays Offered to Professor Elizabeth Mary Hill, ed. R. Auty et al. (Cambridge), 85-99.
21) 'Catalogue of an Exhibition of Eighteenth-Century Russian Books, Held in the University Library, Cambridge' (Norwich). Cyclostyled. 50pp.
22) Review of A. von Gronicka, The Russian Image of Goethe: Goethe in Russian Literature of the First Half of the Nineteenth Century (Philadelphia, PN, 1968), in SR, XXIX, 554-55.
23) N. M. Karamzin: A Study of His Literary Career, 1783-1803 (Carbondale, IL: Univ of Southern Illinois), 336pp.
24) Russia under Western Eyes, 1517-1825 (London: Elek), 400pp.
25) 'An Oxford Don in Catherine the Great's Russia', Journal of European Studies, I, 166-74.
26) 'The Testament of a Forgotten Wife', introduction to reprint edition (London: Cass) of Mrs Atkinson, Reminiscences of Tartar Steppes (1863), v-xiii.
27) 'British Freemasons in Russia during the Reign of Catherine the Great', OSP (NS) IV, 43-72. [reprinted in Transactions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge, LXXXIV, 239-58]
28) Review of Selected Tragedies of A. P. Sumarokov, trans. Richard and Raymond Fortune with introduction by John Fizer (Evanston, IL, 1970), SR, XXX, 906-7.
29) Review of F. Wilson, Muscovy: Russia through Foreign Eyes, 1553-1900 (London, 1970), JES, I, 189.
30) Review of F. Gaillardet, The Memoirs of the Chevalier d'Eon, trans. A. White (London, 1970), JES, I, 386-87.
31) Review of J. Bayley, Pushkin: A Comparative Commentary (Cambridge, 1971), JES, I, 392-93.
32) Review of The Critical Prose of Alexander Pushkin, ed. and trans. C. Proffer (Bloomington, IN, and London, 1970) and Pushkin on Literature, ed. and trans. T. Wolff (London, 1971), JES, I, 393-94.
33) 'Karamzin's First Short Story?' in Russia: Essays in History and Literature, ed. L. Legters (Leiden: Brill), 38-55.
34) 'The Sutherland Affair and Its Aftermath', SEER, L, 257-75.
35) 'Chaplains to the British Factory in St Petersburg, 1723-1813', European Studies Review, II, 125-42.
36) Review of J.G. Garrard, Mixail Culkov: An Introduction to His Prose and Verse (The Hague/Paris, 1970), SEER, L, 295-96.
37) Review of L. Koehler, Anton Antonovic Del'vig (The Hague/Paris, 1970), JES, II, 229.
38) Review of I. Rae, Charles Cameron, Architect to the Court of Russia (London, 1971), JES, II, 233.
39) Review of Guide to the Great Siberian Railway (1900) (Reprint: Newton Abbot, 1971) and Baedeker's Russia 1914 (Reprint: Newton Abbot, 1971), JES, II, 234.
40) Review of Catherine the Great, ed. L.J. Oliva (Englewood Cliffs, 1971), JES, II, 330.
41) Review of K.A. Papmehl, Freedom of Expression in Eighteenth-Century Russia (The Hague, 1971), JES, II, 402-3.
42) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, No. 1.
43) 'Edinburgh University's Cabinet of Russian Medals', ibid., 27-8.
44) 'A Russian in the Gordon Riots', ibid., 29-36.
45) 'The Russian Literary Scene in the Reign of Paul I', CSS, VII, 39-51.
46) 'Pnin and the Sankt-Peterburgskii zhurnal (1798)', CSS, VII, 78-84.
47) 'The British in Catherine's Russia', in The Eighteenth Century in Russia, ed. J.G. Garrard (Oxford: OUP), 233-63.
48) 'A Russian Almanack for the Year 1767', introduction to proposed second edition of George Macartney, An Account of Russia, MDCCLXVII (1768) (London: Cass), pp. v-xv. [NB. reprint never published: introduction printed and distributed in thirty copies]
49) Review of 'Romantic' and Its Cognates: The European History of a Word, ed. H. Eichner (Manchester, 1972), JES, III, 78-79.
50) Review of A. S. Pushkin bez tsenzury, ed. A. Flegon (London, 1972), JES, III, 99.
51) Review of Catherine the Great, ed. M. Raeff (London, 1972), JES, III, 106-7.
52) Review of A Source Book for Russian History from Early Times to 1917, ed. G. Vernadsky et al. (New Haven and London, 1972), JES, III, 200.
53) Review of G. Dore, The Rare and Extraordinary History of Holy Russia, trans. D. Weisbort (London, 1972), JES, III, 200-1.
54) Review of V.L. Chenakal, Watchmakers and Clockmakers in Russia 1400-1850 (London, 1972), JES, III, 201.
55) Review of G.F. Kennan, The Marquis de Custine and His 'Russia in 1839' (London, 1972), SEER, LI, 313-15.
56) Ed., Slavonic: 18th-Century Studies (Zug: Inter Documentation Company), 20pp. [Catalogue]
57) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, No. 2.
58) 'The English Garden and Russia: An Anonymous Identified', ibid., 25-29.
59) 'Dmitriev and Gessner', ibid., 32-39.
60) ' "The Notorious Barkov": An Annotated Bibliography', ibid., 41-52.
61) 'The Reluctant Memoirist', introduction to reprint of I. I. Dmitriev, Vzgliad na moiu zhizn' (Cambridge, MA: Oriental Research Partners), i-xii.
62) 'Samuel Greig, Catherine the Great's Scottish Admiral', Mariner's Mirror, LX, 251-65.
63) 'Printing at Nikolaev, 1798-1803', Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, VII, 149-57.
64) 'Pushkin's Bawdy; or, Notes from the Literary Underground', Russian Literature Triquarterly, no. 10, 203-36.
65) Review of P. K. Grimsted, Archives and Manuscripts in the U.S.S.R.: Moscow and Leningrad (Princeton, 1972), JES, IV, 95-6.
66) Review of C. Carey, Les Proverbes erotiques russes (The Hague/Paris, 1972), SEER, IV, 96-7.
67) Review of Russian Journal of Lady Londonderry 1836-7, ed. W.A.L. Seaman and J.R. Sewell (London, 1973), JES, IV, 105.
68) Review of N. A. Rubakin, Sredi knig (Cambridge, 1973), JES, IV, 304-5.
69) Review of P. N. Berkov, Literary Contacts between Russia and the West since the Fourteenth Century (London, 1973), JES, IV, 306.
70) Review of Zapiski Derzhavina, ed. Ia. Grot (Cambridge, 1973), JES, IV, 306-7.
71) Review of R. Neuhauser, Towards the Romantic Age: Essays on Sentimental and Preromantic Literature in Russia (The Hague, 1974), JES, IV, 306-7.
72) Review of R. K. Wilson, The Literary Travelogue. A Comparative Study with Special Relevance to Russian Literature from Fonvizin to Pushkin (The Hague, 1973), JES, IV, 308-9.
73) Review of B. Dees, Evgeny Baratynsky (New York, 1972) and Selected Letters of Evgenij Baratynskij, ed. G. Barratt (The Hague/Paris, 1973), JES, IV, 309.
74) Review of A. Flegon, Beyond the Russian Dictionary. Za predelami russkikh slovarei (London, 1973), JES, IV, 310-11.
75) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 3.
76) 'Obituary (Dr Barry Hollingsworth)', ibid., 5.
77) 'Dzhunkovskii's Aleksandrova: Putting Samborskii in the Picture', ibid., 22-29.
78) 'James Walker's Paramythia', ibid., 41-51.
79) ' "Zamechaniia" Sera Dzhona Sinklera o Rossii', XVIII vek, X, 160-68.
80) 'Yakov Smirnov: A Russian Priest of Many Parts', OSP (NS) VIII, 37-52.
81) 'Russian Students in Eighteenth-Century Oxford (1766-75)', JES, V, 91-110.
82) 'Karamzin's Versions of Pastoral' in N. M. Karamzin: Russian Literator, Historian and Political Thinker, ed. J.L. Black (The Hague: Mouton), 75-90.
83) 'Early English Specimens of the Russian Poets', Canadian-American Slavic Studies, IX, 449-62.
84) 'Catherine the Great and "An Amusement called Cricket"', The Cricketer, LVI, no.1, 60.
85) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 4.
86) 'Nachricht von einigen russischen Schriftstellern (1768): A New Document and a Bibliography', ibid., 32-43.
87) 'Mr Fisher's Company of English Actors in Eighteenth-Century Petersburg', ibid., 49-56.
88) 'Footnote to a Note: The French Translation of Aleksandrova', ibid., 57.
89) Review of Slovar' russkikh pisatelei XVIII veka. Printsipy sostavleniia, obraztsy statei, slovnik, comp. V.P. Stepanov (Leningrad, 1975), ibid., 59-66.
90) Ed., Russian Literature in the Age of Catherine the Great: A Collection of Essays (Oxford: Meeuws), 250pp.
91) 'Introduction', ibid., 5-15.
92) 'Russian Literature in the Age of Catherine: Synchronic Tables', ibid., 185-93.
93) (with G. S. Smith), 'A Bibliography of English-Language Scholarship on Eighteenth-Century Russian Literature, Thought, and Culture (1900-1974)', ibid., 195-221.
94) 'Early Contacts of the Society of Arts with Russia, I-III', Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, March 204-7, April, 256-58, May, 334-36.
95) 'Vasilii Petrov v Anglii', XVIII vek, XI, 229-46.
96) 'Russkoe posol'stvo v Londone i znakomstvo anglichan s russkoi literaturoi v nachale XIX veka', in Sravnitel'noe izuchenie literatur (Sbornik statei k 80-letiiu akademika M. P. Alekseeva) (Leningrad: Nauka), 99-107.
97) Review of N. D. Kochetkova, Nikolay Karamzin (Boston, 1975), SEER, LIV, 275-7.
98) Review of Vospriiatie russkoi literatury na Zapade, eds. Iu.D. Levin and K.I. Rovda (Leningrad, 1975), JES, VI, 297-8.
99) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 5.
100) 'Russian Students at Edinburgh University, 1774-87', ibid., 5-7.
101) 'Some Anglo-Russian Poetic Curiosities of the Eighteenth Century', ibid., 15-26.
102) 'Fonvizin's Nedorosl': An Overlooked English Critique', ibid., 27-33.
103) (with G.S.Smith), 'A Bibliography of English-Language Scholarship on Eighteenth-Century Russian Literature, Thought, and Culture since 1974', ibid., 55-65.
104) 'A Letter of 1747 from the Norfolk Record Office', ibid., 66-9.
105) Anglo-Russian Relations in the Eighteenth Century: Catalogue of an Exhibition (Norwich: Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia), 59pp.
106) 'A Russian Engineer in Eighteenth-Century Britain: The Journal of N. I. Korsakov, 1776-77', SEER, LI, 1-20.
107) 'The Duchess of Kingston in Russia', History Today, XXVII, 390-5.
108) Review of R. B. Anderson, N. M. Karamzin's Prose: The Teller in the Tale (Houston, TX, 1974), SEER, LV, 97-99.
109) Ed. Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 6.
110) 'Obituaries (Professor Robert Auty and Dr Malcolm Burgess)', ibid., 5-6.
111) 'Notes to an Exhibition of 18th-Century Books of Anglo-Russian Interest from the Morfill Collection', ibid., 17-25.
112) 'Whose Initials? Unidentified Persons in Karamzin's Letters from England', ibid., 26-36.
113) Review of Kul'tura i isskustvo petrovskogo vremeni, ed. G. N. Komelova (Leningrad, 1977), ibid., 67-71.
114) Review of L. Ia. Lozinskaia, Vo glave dvukh akademii (Moscow, 1978), ibid., 71-6.
115) Review of Dramatic Works of D. I. Fonvizin, ed. and trans. M. Kantor (Frankfurt, 1974), SEER, LVI, 152-3.
116) Review of Eighteenth-Century Moscow: Twelve Engravings Taken from the Paintings of Guerard de la Barthe (London, 1976), ibid., 289-91.
117) Ed. Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 7.
118) 'Obituary (Michael Josselson)', ibid., 5.
119) (with P. Dukes), 'The Drummond Hoax', ibid., 9-11.
120) 'An English Version (1791) of a Poem by Vasilii Ruban', ibid., 38-40.
121) 'The Subscription Library of the British Factory in St Petersburg', ibid., 41-46.
122) (with G.S. Smith), 'A Bibliography of English-Language Scholarship on Eighteenth-Century Russian Literature, Thought, and Culture since 1977', ibid., 47-58.
123) Ed., Great Britain and Russia in the Eighteenth Century: Contacts and Comparisons (Newtonville, MA: Oriental Research Partners), 323pp.
124) 'Russians in Eighteenth-Century Britain', ibid., pp. 25-46.
125) 'Russkie zriteli v angliiskom teatre XVIII veka', in Russkaia kul'tura 'XVIII veka i zapadno-evropeiskie literatury (Leningrad: Nauka), 162-73.
126) 'Konstantin Bal'mont in Oxford in 1897', OSP (NS) XII, 104-16.
127) 'British Awareness of Russian Culture, 1698-1801', CASS, XIII, 212-35.
128) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 8.
129) 'The Black Hole of Calcutta: Radishchev and Frederick Chamier', ibid., 52-7.
130) 'By the Banks of the Thames': Russians in Eighteenth-Century Britain (Newtonville, MA: Oriental Research Partners), 356pp.
131) 'A Banner with a Strange Device', ATR Journal, no. 40, 3-12.
132) 'Don't Shoot Your Russianists: Or, Defoe and Adam Brand', British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, III, 231-33.
133) Review of The Hermitage: English Art Sixteenth to Nineteenth Century (Leningrad and London, 1979), SEER, LIX, 299-300.
134) Review of X. Gasiorowska, The Image of Peter the Great in Russian Fiction (Madison, 1979), SEER, LIX, 578-9.
135) Review of G. Terry, East European Languages and Literatures. A Subject and Name Index to Articles in English-Language Journals, 1900-1977 (Oxford, 1979), JES, X, 209-10.
136) Review of L. Kelly, Lermontov: Tragedy in the Caucasus (London, 1977), JES, X, 212-4.
137) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 9.
138) 'Obituary (Dr Anne Pennington)', ibid., 5.
139) 'The Svodnyi katalog: Addenda and Corrigenda from British Sources', ibid., 51-56.
140) (with G.S. Smith), 'A Bibliography of English-Language Scholarship on Eighteenth-Century Russian Literature, Thought, and Culture since 1979', ibid., 57-67.
141) The 1780s: Russia under Western Eyes. Catalogue of an Exhibition (Norwich: Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia), 85pp.
142) 'Early Miss Emmies: English Nannies, Governesses and Companions in Pre-Emancipation Russia', New Zealand Slavonic Journal, no. 1, 1-20.
143) 'Derzhavin au Canada: A Belated Reply', Canadian Slavonic Papers, XXIII, 328-9.
144) Review of R.P. Bartlett, Human Capital: The Settlemant of Foreigners in Russia, 1762-1804 (Cambridge, 1979), Journal of Russian Studies, no. 41, 57-58.
145) Review of I. de Madariaga, Russia in the Age of Catherine the Great (New Haven, CT, 1980), New York Times Book Review, 19 April, 10, 23.
146) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 10.
147) 'Obituary (Academician M.P. Alekseev)', ibid., 4-5.
148) The Tale of the Russian Daughter and Her Suffocated Lover (Birmingham: Birmingham Slavonic Monographs), viii + 55pp.
149) 'By the Neva, by the Aire', University of Leeds Review, XXV, 1-26. (Inaugural lecture)
150) 'O thou, great monarch of a pow'rful reign! English Bards and Russian Tsars', OSP (NS) XV, 80-94.
151) Review of St Petersburg: A Traveller's Companion, ed. L. Kelly (London, 1981), JES, XII, 292-93.
152) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 11.
153) Ed., Russia and the West in the Eighteenth Century (Newtonville, MA: Oriental Research Partners), 372pp.
154) 'Academician M.P. Alekseev (1896-1981): A Tribute', OSP (NS) XVI, 1-9.
155) 'The English and Krylov', ibid., 91-140.
156) 'Russian Perceptions of England, and Russian National Awareness at the End of the Eighteenth and the Beginning of the Nineteenth Centuries', SEER, LXI, 89-106.
157) 'The Eighteenth-Century Russian Theatre through British Eyes', Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, CCXIX, 225-40.
158) Review of D.S. Likhachev, Poeziia sadov (Leningrad, 1982), ibid., 61-8.
159) Review of N. Tolstoy, The Tolstoys (London, 1982), Times Literary Supplement, 2 Dec., 1338.
160) Review of M.P. Alekseev, Russko-angliiskie literaturnye sviazi (Moscow, 1982), SEER, LXI, 418-21.
161) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 12.
162) 'The Bung College or British Monastery in Petrine Russia', ibid., 14-24.
163) 'Merry's Paulina (1787) and Mariia i graf M-v (1810)', ibid., 42-46.
164) (with G. S. Smith), Eighteenth-Century Russian Culture and Thought: A Bibliography of English-Language Scholarship and Translations (Newtonville, MA: Oriental Research Partners), xv + 130pp.
165) 'An Unknown Episode in Scoto-Russian Relations in the Eighteenth Century: The Order of the Beggar's Benison', Scottish Slavonic Review, no. 3, 45-63.
166) Review of W.G. Jones, Nikolay Novikov, Enlightener of Russia (Cambridge, 1984), JES, XIV, 304-5.
167) Review of N.A. Erofeev, Tumannyi Al'bion: Angliia i anglichane glazami russkikh 1825-1853gg. (Moscow, 1982), SR, XLIII, 101-2.
168) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 13.
169) ' "Tried and Trusted Remedies": Further British Responses to News of the Plague in Russia, 1770-1', ibid., 36-9.
170) 'The Empress and Emile', ibid., 44-5.
171) 'Obituary (Dr Jim Harvie)', ibid., 76.
172) The Russian Theme in English Literature from the Sixteenth Century to the Present: An Introductory Survey and a Bibliography (Oxford: Meeuws), 278pp.
173) ' "The Great Patroness of the North": Catherine II's Role in Fostering Anglo-Russian Cultural Contacts', OSP (NS) XVIII, 67-82.
174) Review of H. Pitcher, The Smiths of Moscow: A Story of Britons Abroad (Cromer, 1984), TLS, 1 March, 224.
175) Review of A. Kalashnikov, Anglo-Russian Relations: An Essay in Wood-Engraving (Pinner, 1983), SEER, LXIII, 296-7.
176) Review of The Voice of a Giant: Essays on Seven Russian Prose Classics, eds. R. Cockrell and D. Richards (Exeter, 1985), JES, XV, 225-6.
177) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 14.
178) 'XVIII vek', ibid., 7-11.
179) 'Richard Paton and the Battle of Chesme', ibid., 31-37.
180) Review of E. Dashkova, Zapiski 1743-1810, ed. G.N. Moiseeva (Leningrad, 1985), ibid., 73-74.
181) 'British Residents and Visitors in Russia during the Reign of Catherine the Great: Tapped and Untapped Sources from British Archives', in The Study of Russian History from British Archival Sources, ed. J. Hartley (London and New York), 89-106.
182) '"S Anglinskago": Books of English Origin in Russian Translation in Late Eighteenth-Century Russia', OSP (NS) XIX, 62-87.
183) 'Die deutsche Beitrag zur britischen Russlandkunde im 18. Jahrhundert', in Literaturbezeihungen im 18 Jahrhundert (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag), 271-84.
184) Review of S. Karlinsky, Russian Drama from the Beginnings to the Age of Pushkin (Berkeley, 1985), TLS, 14 Feb., 156.
185) Review of G. Marker, Publishing, Printing, and the Origins of Intellectual Life in Russia 1700-1800 (Princeton, NJ, 1985), TLS, 7 March, 239.
186) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 15.
187) 'John Maddison - Breaker of Russian Cyphers and Collector of Russian Books', ibid., 25-29.
188) Cambridge - Some Russian Connections (Cambridge: CUP), 28pp. [inaugural lecture[
189) 'Scoto-Russian Contacts in the Reign of Catherine the Great (1762-96)', in The Caledonian Phalanx: Scots in Russia (Edinburgh: National Library of Scotland), 24-46.
190) 'Karamzin's Moskovskii zhurnal: Voice of a Writer, Broadsheet of a Movement', Cahiers du monde russe et sovietique, XXVIII, 121-6.
191) Guest ed. (with G.S. Smith), Russian Literature Triquarterly, no. 20 'Eighteenth Century, Part I'.
192) Trans., N. Karamzin, 'A Knight of Our Time', ibid., 139-58.
193) 'The Right Path, but the Wrong Rumyantsev', SSR, no. 8, 109-11.
194) Review of N. Riasanovsky, The Image of Peter the Great in Russian History and Thought (Oxford, 1985), SEER, LXVI, 284-87.
195) Review of J. L. Black, G. F. Muller and the Imperial Russian Academy (Kingston and Montreal, 1986), SEER, LXVI, 288-9.
196) Review of M. Stuart, Aristocrat-Librarian in Service to the Tsar: Aleksei Nikolaevich Olenin and the Imperial Public Library (Boulder, CO, 1986), SEER, LXVI, 468-70.
197) Review of R. H. Stacy, India in Russian Literature (Delhi, 1985), SEER, LXVI, 500.
198) Review of M. S. Simpson, The Russian Gothic Novel and Its British Antecedents (Columbus, OH, 1986), SEER, LXV, 624-5.
199) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 16.
200) Review of E.R. Dashkova, Zapiski; Pis'ma sester M. i K. Vil'mot iz Rossii (Moscow, 1987), ibid., 38-43.
201) Review of G. K. Koz'mian, Charlz Kameron (Leningrad, 1987), ibid., 44-6.
202) Review of Iu. M. Lotman, Sotvorenie Karamzina (Moscow, 1987), ibid., 47-51.
203) Guest ed. (with G. S. Smith), Russian Literature Triquarterly, no. 21 'Eighteenth Century, Part II'.
204) Ed. (with R. P. Bartlett and K. Rasmussen), Russia and the World of the Eighteenth Century (Columbus, OH: Slavica), viii + 680pp.
205) 'The Philanthropist, the Travelling Tutor and the Empress: British Visitors and Catherine II's Plans for Penal and Medical Reform', ibid., 214-28.
206) 'Early British Acquaintance with Russian Popular Song and Music (the Letters and Journals of the Wilmot Sisters)', SEER, LXVI, 21-34.
207) 'The Lords Baltimore in Russia', JES, XVIII, 77-91.
208) 'Charles Cameron's Scottish Workmen', SSR, no. 10, 51-74.
209) Review of H. D. Hudson, The Rise of the Demidov Family and the Russian Iron Industry in the Eighteenth Century (Newtonville, MA,1986), JES, XVIII, 145-6.
210) Review of G. M. Terry, East European Languages and Literatures III: A Subject and Name Index to Articles in English-Language Journals (Nottingham, 1985), SEER, LXVI, 332.
211) Ed., An English Lady at the Court of Catherine the Great: The Journal of Elizabeth Dimsdale, 1781 (Cambridge: Crest Publications), 128pp.
212) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 17.
213) 'British Sources for Catherine's Russia: 1) Lionel Colmore's Letters from St Petersburg, 1790-1', ibid., 17-34.
214) Review of A.Iu. Solov'ev et alii, Gazeta "Sanktpeterburgskie vedomosti" XVIII veka: ukazateli k soderzhaniiu 1728-1731gg. and 1774g. (Leningrad, 1987), ibid., 36-38.
215) 'Ivan Ermenev and the Enigma of "The Beggars" ', in M. Falchikov et al. (eds.), Words and Images: Essays in Honour of Professor (Emeritus) Dennis Ward (Nottingham: Astra Press), 67-80.
216) ' "Pretty as a Picture": Karamzin's Liza and Turgenev's Akulina', in L. Didic, D. Lazic, C. Hawkesworth and B.S. Johnson (eds.), South Slav Perspectives: Liber Amicorum in Honour of E. D. Goy (London and Krusevac: SSEES and Bagdala), 204-16.
217) 'Count Semen Vorontsov's Library of Russian Books in London', Solanus (NS), III, 12-24.
218) Review of James Cracraft, The Petrine Revolution in Russian Architecture (Chicago, IL, 1988), TLS, 12 May, 523.
219) Review of John T. Alexander, Catherine the Great: Life and Legend (London, 1989), TLS, 23 June, 682.
220) Review of George Barany, The Anglo-Russian Entente Cordiale of 1697-1698 (New York, 1986), English Historical Review, CIV, no. 413, 1040-41.
221) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 18.
222) 'Catherine's Oleg: A Bicentennial Visitation', ibid., 10-17.
223) 'Catherine the Great and Whately's Observations on Modern Gardening', ibid., 21-29.
224) Review of A.P. Vergunov and V.A. Gorokhov, Russkie sady i parki (Moscow, 1988), ibid., 64-67.
225) 'Catherine the Great: Views from the Distaff Side', in R. P. Bartlett and J. M. Hartley, eds., Russia in the Age of the Enlightenment (London: Macmillan), 203-21.
226) Guest Ed., Journal of European Studies, XX, no. 3. (Special number on Russian art and culture in the twentieth century).
227) Review of Zh. Pavlova, Imperatorskaia biblioteka Ermitazha, 1762-1917 (Tenafly, NJ, 1988), SEER, LXVIII, No. 2, 342-3.
228) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 19.
229) 'Dispute with a Tutor: An Episode from Princess Dashkova's Residence in Edinburgh', ibid., 22-29.
230) Review of O. Mikhailov (ed.), Sochineniia Ekateriny II (Moscow, 1990), ibid., 58-61.
231) 'From Hull to Petersburg: Levesque's History of Russia Printed by George Prince', Factotum, no. 33, 14-17.
232) 'The Russian banya in the Descriptions of Foreign Travellers and in the Depictions of Foreign and Russian Artists', OSP (NS) XXIV, 13-38.
233) 'Catherine the Great "Come from Russia to Liberate Ireland" ', Irish Slavonic Studies, X (1989 [1991]), 89-92.
234) 'Russian Gardens, British Gardeners', Garden History, XIX, 12-20.
235) 'In Cameron's Shadow: Adam Menelaws, Stonemason Turned Architect', SSR, no. 17, 7-19.
236) Review of M. Keller (ed.), Russen und Russland aus deutscher Sicht. 18 Jahrhundert: Aufklarung (Munich, 1987), English Historical Review, CVI, 473-74.
237) Review of M. Okenfuss (ed.), The Travel Diary of Petr Tolstoi: A Muscovite in Early Modern Europe (Dekalb, IL, 1987), ibid., 709-10.
238) Review of B. C. Johnson (ed.), Tea and Anarchy! The Bloomsbury Diary of Olive Garnett, 1890-1893 (London, 1989), SEER, LXIX, 370-71.
239) Review of I. G. Anderson, Scotsmen in the Service of the Czars (Edinburgh, 1990), ibid., 554.
240) Review of R. A. Karlowich (comp.), A Guide to Scholarly Resources on the Russian Empire and Soviet Union in the New York Metropolitan Area (New York, 1990), ibid., 724-5.
241) Review of B. Ometev and J. Stuart, St. Petersburg: Portrait of an Imperial City (London, 1990), ibid., 727-28.
242) Review of Travels in 18th Century Russia. Costumes, Customs, History, By P. S. Pallas, ed. Robert Johnston and W. Miller (London, 1990), ibid., 750-51.
243) Anglofiliia u trona: Britantsy i russkie v vek Ekateriny II. Katalog vystavki (London: British Council), xv + 122 pp.
244) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 20.
245) Review of Iu. N. Bespiatykh, Peterburg Petra I v inostrannykh opisaniakh (Leningrad, 1991), ibid., 66-68.
246) Review of V. K. Bylinin and M. P. Odesskii (eds.), Sochineniia Ekateriny II (Moscow, 1990), ibid., 69-71.
247) Review of V. P. Kozlov, "Istoriia Gosudarstva Rossiiskogo" N.M. Karamzina v otsenkakh sovremennikov (Moscow, 1989), ibid., 81-85.
248) 'Early Contacts of the Society with Russia', in D. G. C. Allan and J.L. Abbott (eds.), 'The Virtuoso Tribe of Arts and Sciences': Studies in the Eighteenth-Century Work and Membership of the London Society of Arts (Athens, GA, and London), 265-75.
249) Review of C. Foust, Rhubarb: the Wondrous Drug (Princeton, NJ, 1992), RSA Journal, CXLI, no. 5435, 65-66.
250) 'The High Road and the Low: Russian Students and Travellers in Eighteenth-Century Scotland', Coexistence, XXIX, 113-24.
251) 'An Anglo-Russian Medley: Semen Vorontsov's Other Son, Charles Cameron's Daughter, Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich's English Playmate, and Not Forgetting His English Nurse', SEER, LXX, 708-21.
252) Review of J. Freeman and K. Berton, Moscow Revealed (London, 1991) and G. Galitzine, Imperial Splendour: The Palaces and Monasteries of Russia (London, 1991), ibid., 545-47.
253) Review of I. de Madariaga, Catherine the Great: A Short History (New Haven, CT, and London, 1990) and Lindsey Hughes, Sophia, Regent of Russia, 1657-1704 (New Haven, CT, and London, 1990), in History, LXXVII, 329-30.
254) Review of A.L.H. Rhinelander, Prince Michael Vorontsov, Viceroy to the Tsar (London and Montreal, 1990), JES, XXII, 189-90.
255) Review of J. Black, The British Abroad: The Grand Tour in the Eighteenth Century (London, 1992), ibid., 360-62.
256) Anglo-Russica: Aspects of Anglo-Russian Cultural Relations in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries (Oxford and Providence, RI: Berg), x + 269pp.
257) Ed., Engraved in the Memory: James Walker, Engraver to Catherine the Great, and His Russian Anecdotes (Oxford and Providence, RI: Berg), vii + 192pp.
258) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, No. 21.
259) 'Johnson Newman, a Little-Known Englishman in Russian Service in the Eighteenth Century', ibid., pp. 36-47.
260) Review of A. Sokolov, Navstrechu drug drugu: Rossiia i Angliia v XVI-XVIII vv. (Iaroslavl', 1992), ibid., pp. 63-5.
261) Review of N.F. Shakhmagonov, Khrani Gospod' Potemkina (Moscow, 1991), ibid., pp. 66-9.
262) 'The English Garden in Catherine the Great's Russia', Journal of Garden History, XIII, 172-81.
263) 'On Reading "Sablukov, Beauty, and English Titles at St Petersburg"', Factotum, no. 37, 19-21.
264) Review of S. Baehr, The Paradise Myth in Eighteenth-Century Russia (Stanford, CA, 1991), MLR, LXXXVIII, 1049-50.
265) Review of R. E. McGrew, Paul I of Russia, 1754-1801 (Oxford, 1992), TLS (14 May), 28.
266) Review of C. S. Leonard, Reform and Regicide: The Reign of Peter III of Russia (Bloomigton, IN, 1993), TLS (5 November), 22.
267) Ed. with G. S. Smith, Literature, Lives and Legality in Catherine's Russia (Nottingham: Astra Press), viii + 174 pp.
268) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 22.
269) 'Did Catherine the Great Know English?', ibid., pp. 13-19.
270) 'Preface', to Iu. D. Levin, The Perception of English Literature in Russia: Investigations and Materials (Nottingham: Astra Press), pp. ix-xi.
271) 'Catherine the Great and the English Garden', in J.O. Norman (ed.), New Perspectives on Russian and Soviet Artistic Culture (London), pp. 17-24.
272) Review of Rosalin Barker, Prisoners of the Tsar: East Coast Sailors Held in Russia 1800-1801 (Beverley, CA, 1992), SEER, LXXII, 335-6.
273) Review of Barry Johnson (ed.), Olive & Stepniak: The Bloomsbury Diary of Olive Garnett 1893-1895 (London, 1993), ibid. , pp. 513-4.
274) 'Contemporary British Responses (1762-1810) to the Personality and Career of Princess Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova', OSP (NS) XXVII, 41-61.
275) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 23.276) 'Paul Sandby and the Dashkovs', ibid., pp. 37-44.
277) 'Angliiskie otzyvy ob A.P. Sumarokove', XVIII vek , XIX, 60-69.
278) 'Poezdki kniagini E.R. Dashkovoi v Velikobritaniiu (1770 i 1776-1780 gg.) i ee "Nebol'shoe puteshestvie v gornuiu Shotlandiiu" (1777)', ibid., 223-68.
279) Review of J. Braat et alii (eds.), Russians and Dutchmen: Proceedings of the Conference on the Relations between Russia and the Netherlands... (Groningen, 1993), JES, XXV, 233-35.
280) "By the Banks of the Neva": Chapters from the Lives and Careers of the British in Eighteenth-Century Russia (Cambridge: CUP), xv + 474 pp.281) "U temzskikh beregov": russkie v Britanii v XVIII veke (St Petersburg: Akademicheskii proekt), 388pp. [Russian translation of revised No. 130]
282) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 24.
283) Review of V.N. Toporov, "Bednaia Liza" Karamzina: Opyt prochteniia (Moscow, 1995), ibid., 66-71.
284) 'Nikolai Karamzine (1766-1826)', in E. Etkind and G. Nivat (eds.), Histoire de la littérature russe, II (Le XIXe siècle: L'époque de Pouchkine et de Gogol) (Paris: Fayard), 31-40.
285) 'La Réception de l'oeuvre de Karamzine', ibid., 41-52.
286) 'Petrus Britannicus: The Image of Peter the Great in Eighteenth-Century Britain', in Maria di Salvo and Lindsey Hughes (eds.), A Window on Eighteenth-Century Russia: Papers from the V International Conference of the Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia, Gargnano, 1994 (Rome: Fenice), 3-11.
287) 'Anglo-Russian Cultural Relations', in Brian Allen and Larissa Dukelskaya (eds.), British Art Treasures from Russian Imperial Collections in the Hermitage (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press), p16-35.
288) 'British Gardeners and the Vogue for the 'English Garden' in Russia in the Late Eighteenth Century', ibid., 78-91.
289) 'Britanskie otzyvy o lichnosti i kar'ere E. R. Dashkovoi (1762-1810)', in A. I. Vorontsov-Dashkov et al. (eds.), Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova: issledovaniia i materialy (St Petersburg: Dmitrii Bulanin), 23-40. [Russian version of no. 272]
290) Review of John E. Bowlt (ed. and trans.), The Salon Album of Vera Sudeikin-Stravinsky (Princeton, NJ, 1995), JES, XXVI, pp. 95-6.
291) Review of Priscilla Roosevelt, Life on the Russian Country Estate: A Social and Cultural History (New Haven, 1995), TLS, No. 4871 (August), p. 26.
292) Review of Zoia Belyakova, The Romanov Legacy: The Palaces of St Petersburg (London, 1994) and Treasures of the Czars from the State Museums of the Moscow Kremlin (London, 1995), SEER, LXXIV, pp. 530-2.
293) Autobibliography, 1964-1996 (Cambridge: Crest), iv + 17pp.
294) 'Britanskaia koloniia na beregakh Nevy v XVIII veke', in A. V. Pavlovskaia (ed.), Rossiia i Zapad: dialog kul'tur (Moscow: Moscow University Press), 99-108.
295) 'The Armchair Traveller "in" Catherine II's Russia', in V. Bagno et alii (eds.), Rossiia, Zapad, Vostok: Vstrechnye techeniia (St Petersburg: Nauka), 313-21.
296) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 25.297) 'Which Hadfield?', ibid., 24-26.
298) 'British Sources for Catherine the Great's Russia: 2) Paul Gilchrist's "Genuine Letter" of 1762 on the Overthrow of Peter III', ibid., 44-64.
299) 'Kul'turnye sviazi mezhdu Britaniei i Rossiei v XVIII stoletii', in B. Alen and L. Dukel'skaia (eds.), S beregov Temzy - na berega Nevy. Shedevry iz sobraniia britanskogo iskusstva v Ermitazhe (St Petersburg: State Hermitage), 16-35. [Russian version of no. 286)
300) 'Britanskie sadovniki i moda na angliiskie parki v Rossii kontsa XVIII veka', ibid., 78-91. [Russian version of no. 287]
301) 'Condemned in Correspondence: Horace Walpole and Catherine "Slay-Czar"', JES, XXVII, 129-41.
302) 'Horace Walpole et Catherine la régicide', in Anita Davidenkoff (ed.), Catherine II & l'Europe (Paris: Institut d'Etudes slaves), 47-52.
303) 'Catherine II through Contemporary British Eyes', Russica Romana, IV, 55-65.
304) 'Obituary (Dame Elizabeth Hill)', The Guardian, Friday 10 January, 19.
305) 'Knigi o Rossii s illiustratsiiami (so vremen Krymskoi voiny vozvrashchaias' k nachalu XIX veka)', in Nezabyvaemaia Rossiia: Russkie i Rossiia glazami britantsev XVII-XIX vek (Moscow: Trilistnik), 116-28.
306) 'Russkie sady, britanskie sadovniki', Pamiatniki istorii i kul'tury Peterburga, vyp. 4, 94-106. [Russian version of no. 234]
307) Review of Cornélie de Wassenaer, A Visit to St Petersburg 1824-1825 (Norwich, 1994), SEER, LXXV, pp. 172-3.
308) Review of Dimitri Shvidkovsky, The Empress & the Architect: British Architecture and Gardens at the Court of Catherine the Great (New Haven, CT, 1996), World of Interiors (January), 54.
309) Review of Maija Jansson and Nikolai Rogozhin (eds.), England and the North. The Russian Embassy of 1613-1614 (Philadelphia, PN, 1994), English Historical Review, CXII, 467-68.
310) Review of John Ingamells (comp.), A Dictionary of British and Irish Travellers in Italy, 1701-1800 (New Haven, CT, 1997), JES, XXVII, 457-58.
311) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 26.
312) 'Did Peter Sit for Kneller at Utrecht in 1697?', ibid., 32-42.
313) Review of G. Z. Kaganov, Sankt-Peterburg: obrazy prostranstva (Moscow, 1995) and Grigory Kaganov, Images of Space, trans. Sidney Monas (Stanford, CA, 1997), ibid., 43-50.
314) Ed., Russia in the Reign of Peter the Great: Old and New Perspectives, 2 vols. (Cambridge: Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia).
315) 'Peter & Britain', ibid., 25-39.
316) Ed. with S. Dixon et al., Britain and Russia in the Age of Peter the Great: Historical Documents (London: School of Slavonic and East European Studies), xxv + 255pp.
317) 'Professor Thomas Newberry's Letter from Petersburg, 1766, on the Grand Carousel and Other Matters', SEER, LXXVI, 484-93.
318) 'The Elphinstones in Catherine the Great's Navy', Mariner's Mirror, LXXXIV, 268-77.
319) 'Peter the Great as a Character on the Anglo-American Stage', New Zealand Slavonic Journal, 3-19.
320) 'Nikolai Mikhailovič Karamzin 1766-1826', in N. Cornwell (ed.), Reference Guide to Russian Literature (London and Chicago, IL: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1998), 417-18.
321) 'Poor Liza', ibid., 418-19.
322) '"Russian Englishmen": Russians the Benthams Met in England', Filosofskii vek (St Petersburg), IX, 85-96.
323) 'Preface', to Paola Ferretti, A Russian Advocate of Peace: Vasilii Malinovskii (1765-1814) (Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer), xi-xiii.
324) Review of A. B. Kamenskii, The Russian Empire in the Eighteenth Century: Searching for a Place in the World (London, 1997), JES, XXVIII, 327-8.
325) Review of E. Waegemans (ed.), Russia and the Low Countries in the Eighteenth Century (Groningen, 1998), JES, XXVIII, 434-5.
326) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 27.
327) 'The English Mylord and the Russian Harlot: A Document and Many Queries', ibid., 26-32.
328) 'Radishchev and Journeys from St Petersburg to Moscow in the Travel Accounts of British Tourists of the Late Eighteenth - Very Early Nineteenth Centuries', Filosofskii vek, XI (St Petersburg), 66-78.
329) 'Following Radishchev: A Journey from Petersburg to Moscow', British East-West Journal, no. 114, 11-12.
330) 'The British Contribution to Petrine Iconography', in Rossiia-Angliia: stranitsy dialoga (St Petersburg), 6-9.
331) '"Takuiu rol' glupets ne odoleet" - Afanasii v p'ese Kniazhnina "Neschastie ot karety"', XVIII vek, XXI, 228-38.
332) Review of James Cracraft, The Petrine Revolution in Russian Imagery (Chicago, IL, 1997), Journal of Modern History, LXXI, 1013-15.
333) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 28.
334) 'Translating a Title: Russian Variations on Sterne's Sentimental Journey', in V. E. Bagno (ed.),Res Traductorica: perevod i sravnitel'noe izuchenie literatur (St Petersburg), 87-92
335) Peter the Great through British Eyes: Perspectives and Representations of the Tsar since 1698 (Cambridge: CUP), xii + 172 pp.
336) 'Ekaterina vtoraia glazami ee angliiskikh sovremennikov', in S.T. Makhlina and I.I. Bass (eds.), Rossiia v kontekste mirovoi kul'tury. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov, t. 152 (St Petersburg), 38-47. [Russian version of no. 302]
337) Review of David Gasperetti, The Rise of the Russian Novel: Carnival, Stylization, and Mockery of the West (DeKalb, 1998), SEER, LXXVIII, 370-72.
338) Review of Katya Galitzine, St Petersburg: The Hidden Interiors (London, 1999), ibid., 338-39.
339) 'Nikolai Karamzin', in Olive Classe (ed.), Encyclopedia of Literary Translation into English (London and Chicago, IL), 756-58
340) 'Ivan Krylov', ibid., 780-1.
341) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 29.
342) 'Alexander Baxter, Russia's First Consul General in London', ibid., 14-21.
343) 'Round and About Montefiore's Potemkin' (Review essay), ibid., 84-92.
344) Catherine the Great and the British: A Pot-Pourri of Essays (Nottingham: Astra Press), xii + 128pp.
345) 'The Old Man from Cambridge, Mrs Cross, and Other Anglo-Petrine Matters of Due Weight and Substance', in L.A.J. Hughes (ed.), Peter the Great and the West: New Perspectives (London: Palgrave), 3-26.
346) 'The Elphinstones in Catherine the Great's Navy', in Mark Cornwall and Murray Frame (eds.), Scotland and the Slavs: Cultures in Contact 1500-2000 (Newtonville, MA: Oriental Research Partners), 55-71 [reprint of no. 317]
347) '"A Sort of Connexion with that Country": John Robison's Contribution to Scoto-Russian Cultural Relations', Filosofskii vek, XV (St Petersburg), 47-63.
348) 'Educating the Russian Navy: The British Contribution', in Gabriela Lehmann-Carli et al (eds.), Russische Aufklärungsrezeption im Kontext offizieller Bildunskonzepte (1700-1825) (Berlin: Berlin Verlag), 237-48.
349) '"Crazy Paul": Paul I and the British', in Joachim Klein, Simon Dixon, Maarten Fraanje (eds.), Reflections on Russia in the Eighteenth Century (Cologne, Weimar, Vienna), 7-18.
350) 'Peterburg glazami britantsev (Na puti k novoi knige ob etom gorode)', in Iu. Bespiatykh (ed.), Fenomen Peterburga (St Petersburg).
351) 'Ekaterina Velikaia glazami ee britanskikh sovremennikov (diplomatov i posetitelei), in V. E. Bagno (ed.), Diplomaty-pisateli; pisateli-diplomaty (St Petersburg), 83-101.
352) 'Ispoved' liubitelia XVIII veka', in S. Ia. Karp (ed.), Istoriia prodolzhaetsia: izuchenie vosemnadtsatogo veka na poroge dvadtsat' pervogo (Moscow, St Petersburg, Ferney-Voltaire: Livre universitaire), 358-74.
353) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 30.
354) 'The Russians through Eighteenth-Century British Eyes: The Continuation or Modification of National Stereotypes?', ibid., 34-48.
355) '"The English, I believe, are the happiest and the most to be envied": Russian Grand Tourists in Eighteenth-Century Britain', Rossica, no. 5, 15-21.
356) 'Anglophilia in the Entourage of Tsesarevich Pavel Petrovich', in Filosofskii vek, XX (St Petersburg), 11-20.
357) 'Birth of a City: The Foundation and Early Development of St Petersburg, 1703-c.1825', York Georgian Society Annual Report for 2002, 61-74.
358) '"Vestnik Evropy" N.M. Karamzina, 1802-1803', Vestnik Evropy, VI (Moscow), 170-85 [translation of no. 10 (1969)]
359) 'Poziroval li Petr I g. Nelleru v Utrekhte v 1697 godu?', XVIII vek kak istoriko-kul'turnyi fenomen (St Petersburg), 9-16 [Russian translation of item 311]
360) Review of Marcia M. Morris, The Literature of Roguery in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Russia (Evanston, 2000), SEER, LXXX, 112-14.
361) 'Angliiskaia truppa mistera Fishera v Peterburge', in G.A. Lapkina (ed.), Teatral'nyi Peterburg: interkul'turnaia model' (St Petersburg), 287-96 [Russian translation of no. 87]
362) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 31.
363) 'The Anglophile Empress: Anglo-Russian Relations during the Reign of Catherine the Great', Russian Mirror, no. 35 (28 May), 18-19.
364) 'The Guildhall Banquet of June 1814', ibid., no. 37, (25 June), 15-16.
365) Ed., St Petersburg 1703-1825 (London: Palgrave), xiii + 197pp.
366) 'The English Embankment', ibid., 50-70.
367) 'Prodelki Busha v Kolomenskom: Ekaterina Velikaia i parki v angliiskom stile', Rodina, nos 5-6 (2003), 141-45.
368) 'Velichaishie dary: angliiskie igry v Rossii', ibid., pp. 171-3.
369) 'The British at Play in Imperial Russia', History Today, LIII (November), 48-53.
370) 'Peterburg glazami britanskikh khudozhnikov (XVIII-nachalo XX v.)', in V. E. Bagno and M. E. Malikova (eds.), Obraz Peterburga v mirovoi kul'ture (St Petersburg), 469-84.
371) 'Saint Petersburg Academy', in Alan Charles Kors (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment, Volume IV (Oxford and New York), 5-7.
372) 'Anglo-russkie otnosheniia v epokhu Petra Velikogo', in A. V. Levykin (gen. ed.), Rossiia-Britaniia: k 450-letiiu ustanovleniia diplomaticheskikh otnoshenii (Moscow), 18-23. [reprinted in Diplomaticheskii ezhegodnik 2003 (Moscow, 2004), 386-400]
373) 'Britanskaia koloniia', in P.E. Bukharkin (ed.), Os'mnadtsatoe stoletie [being Volume I of Tri veka Sankt-Peterburga], book 1, 150-52.
374) Ed. Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 32.375) 'Les Britanniques et le voyage au Nord (Northern Tour)', in Jean-Pierre Poussou et al. (eds.), L'influence française en Russie au XVIIIe siècle (Paris), 383-92.
376) 'Les Britanniques sur les bords de la Neva', ibid., 601-11.
377) 'Through the Distorting Mirror: Russia in British Caricature, to 1815', Pinakotheke, nos. 18-19, 74-82.
378) 'V krivom zerkale: Rossiia v britanskoi karikature XVIII-nachala XIX veka', Pinokoteka, nos. 18-19, 74-82. [abbreviated Russian variant of no. 377]
379) '"Them": Russians on Foreigners', in Simon Franklin and Emma Widdis (eds.), National Identity in Russian Culture (Cambridge: CUP), 74-92.
380) 'Tribute: Catherine Cooke', Rossica, nos. 12-13, p. 70.
381) 'English Prospects in the Russian Countryside: Lesnoe and Murino near St. Petersburg', Ibid., no. 14, 40-47.
382) 'Pavel Dashkov: novye i maloizvestnye britanskie stranitsy biografii', in E. R. Dashkova: Portret v kontekste istorii (Moscow), 20-34.
383) 'Hill, Dame Elizabeth Mary', Dictionary of National Biography, XXVIII (Oxford: OUP), 125-26.
384) 'Forgotten British Places in Petrograd/Leningrad', in Antonella d'Amelia (ed.), Pietroburgo capitale della cultura russa – Peterburg stolitsa russkoi kul'tury (Salerno: Università degli studi di Salerno), I, 135-47.
385) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 33.
386) 'J. S. G. Simmons: In Memoriam', ibid., 1-3.
387) 'Pieces of Silver: The Peace of 3 August 1790', ibid., 39-49.
388) 'Sir Arthur Helps's Oulita the Serf'', Solanus, XIX, 107-12.
389) Ed., Anglo-Russian Cultural Encounters and Collisions in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, special number of Journal of European Studies, XXXV, no. 3.
390) 'Hugh Walpole, Russia, and His Novel about Petersburg (1919)', Ibid., 315-37.
391) (Trans.) Ol'ga Kaznina, 'Boris Anrep: A Russian Artist in an English Interior', ibid., 339-64.
392) Review. of James Cracraft, The Revolution of Peter the Great (Harvard University Press, 2003) and Ernest A. Zitser, The Transfigured Kingdom: Sacred Parody and Charismatic Authority at the Court of Peter the Great (Cornell University Press, 2004), ibid., 368-70.
393) Review. of C.E.B. Brett, Towers of Crim Tartary. English and Scottish Architects in the Crimea, 1762-1853 (Donington, 2005), ibid., 370-72.
394) Review of Vincent Giroud, St. Petersburg: Portrait of a Great City (University Press of New England, 2003) and Cynthia Hyla Whittaker with Edward Kasinec and Robert H. Davis (eds.), Russia Engages the World, 1453-1825 (Harvard University Press, 2003), History, XC, 273-74.
395) Review of Jean Breuillard (ed.), Le Sentimentalisme russe (Paris: Études slaves, 2003), British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, XXVIII, no. 1, 124.
396)) 'N.M. Karamzin and Barthélemy's "Voyage du jeune Anacharsis"', MLR, C, Supplement, 147-52 [Reprint of no. 2 for the Centenary of the Modern Language Review]
397) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 34.
398) 'Iurii Davidovich Levin (1920-2006): A Personal Memoir', ibid., 1-8.
399) '"A Red Hot English Woman": Princess Dashkova's Love Affair with Britain', in Sue Ann Prince (ed.), The Princess & the Patriot: Ekaterina Dashkova, Benjamin Franklin, and the Age of Enlightenment (Philadelphia, PN: American Philosophical Society, 89-96.
400) 'English Lessons: Russians and Britain in the Reign of Catherine the Great', in E. Waegemans (ed.), Russia and the West: Missed Opportunities, Unfulfilled Dialogues (Brussels: Contactforum), 39-46.
401) 'The Crimean War and the Caricature War', SEER, LXXXIV, 460-80.
402) 'Anglo-Russian Relations and the Twilight of the British Community in Petersburg/Petrograd/Leningrad', in A. B. Davidson (ed.), Rossiia I Britaniia. Vyp. 4 Sviazi i vzaimnye predstavleniia XIX-XX veka (Moscow: Nauka), 56-70.
403) 'Nadpisi na knigakh: Vstrechi s Dmitriem Sergeevichem', in E. Vodolazkin (ed.), Dmitrii Likhachev i ego epokha. Vospominaniia. Esse. Dokumenty. Fotografii (2nd augmented ed.: St Petersburg: Logos), 153-55.
404) Review of Daryl W. Palmer, Writing Russia in the Age of Shakespeare (Aldershot, 2004), SEER, LXXXIV, 754-55.
405) Review of Julie A. Buckler, Mapping St. Petersburg: Imperial Text and Cityscape (Princeton University Press, 2005), JES, XXXVI, no. 4, 461-64.
406) Review of Raffaella Faggionato, A Rosicrucian Utopia in Eighteenth-Century Russia: The Masonic Circle of N. I. Novikov (Dordrecht, 2005), Ibid., 464-66.
407) Review of Oleg Neverov, Great Private Collections of Imperial Russia (London, 2004) and Peter Hayden, Russian Parks and Gardens (London, 2005), Ibid., 466-68.
408) Review of James Cracraft, The Petrine Revolution in Russian Culture (Cambridge, MA, 2004), Russian Review, LXV, no. 2, 322-23.
409) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 35.410) 'In Memoriam: Professor Lindsey Hughes (1949-2007)', ibid., 1-8.
411) (with V. Ievlev), 'An Anglo-Russian Medallic Mystery', ibid., 69-72.
412) Ed., Days from the Reigns of Eighteenth-Century Russian Rulers (Cambridge: Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia), 2 vols, 233pp.
413) '8 August 1768: The Laying of the Foundation Stone of Rinaldi's St Isaac's Cathedral', ibid., 173-83.
414) 'Publish and Perish: The Melancholy Fate of Nikolai Struiskii', in Roger Bartlett and Gabriela Lehmann-Carli (eds.), Eighteenth-Century Russia: Society, Culture, Economy (Münster: LIT-Verlag), 445-58.
415) 'Professor Lindsey Hughes: Obituary', The Independent (Friday 4 May), 54.
416) St Petersburg and the British: The City through the Eyes of British Visitor and Residents (London: Frances Lincoln Publishers). vii + 334 pp.
417) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 36.
418) Review of Nicola Navone, Bâtir pour les tsars: Architectes tessinois en Russia 1700-1850 (Lausanne, 2007), ibid., 61-65.
419) Review. of S.R.Dolgova and T.A.Lapteva, Rossiia i Britaniia. XVI-XIX veka (Moscow, 2007), ibid., 65-9.
420) '"Severnye brat'ia": neizdannaia perepiska I.P. Elagina s Velikoi lozhei Velikobritanii', XVIII vek, XXV, 272-332.
421) [Krestikov, Anton pseud.],'A Russian in Georgian England: An Anonymous Still Unidentified', in Von Wenigen. Ot nemnogikh (St Petersburg: Pushkinskii dom), 77-91.
422) 'The Petersburg English Club', in Bruce F. Adams (ed.), Modern Encyclopedia of Russian, Soviet, and Eurasian History, Supplement IX, 174-76.
423) Review of Lurana O'Malley, The Dramatic Works of Catherine the Great: Theatre and Politics in Eighteenth-Century Russia (2006), JES, XXXVIII, 220-22.
424) Review of Olga Medvedkova, Jean-Baptists Alexandre Leblond: Architecte 1679-1719: De Paris à Saint-Pétersbourg (2007), Russian Review, LXVII, 337-38.
425) Ed., Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter, no. 37.
426) 'Editor's Valedictory', ibid., 88-91.
427) 'Andreev, Leonid Nikolaevich', 'Bashkirtseff, Marie', 'Blavatsky', 'Madame Elena Petrovna', 'Catherine II, the Great', 'Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich', 'Krylov, Ivan Andreevich', 'Lermontov, Mikhail Iurevich', 'Ouspensky, Peter Demianovich', 'Peter I, the Great', 'Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich', 'Ralston, William', 'Viazemsky, Prince Petr Andreevich', 'Zamiatin, Evgenii Ivanovich', 'Zhukovsky, Vasilii Andreevich', entries in The Oxford Companion to English Literature, 7th edition, edited by Dinah Birch (Oxford: Oxford University Press), passim.
428) 'Anglo-Russian Masonic Contacts in the Reign of Catherine the Great', in Andreas Onnerfors and Robert Collis (eds.), Freemasonry and Fraternalism in Eighteenth-Century Russia (Sheffield Lectures on the History of Freemasonry and Fraternalism, vol. II (Sheffield: University of Sheffield), 85-108.
429) Review of Michael Streeter, Catherine the Great (London, 2007), The Historian, LXXI, no. 1, 179-80.
430) Review of Stephen M. Norris, A War of Images: Russian Popular Prints, Wartime Culture, and National Identity 1812-1945 (DeKalb, IL, 2006), SEER, LXXXVII, 134-36.
431) 'William Hastie', ODNB
432) 'Adam Menelaws', ODNB
433) 'Nachalo: russkie v Britanii', in N. V. Makarova and O. A. Morgunova (eds.), Russkoe prisutstvie v Britanii (Moscow: Sovremennaia ekonomika i pravo), 7-22.
434) 'Stikhotvorets Vasilii Petrov i ego okruzhenie v Londone v 1770-e gody', ibid., 181-90.
435) 'A Corner of a Forgotten Field: The British Embassy in St Petersburg, 1863-1918', SEER, LXXXVIII, nos. 1-2, 328-58.
436) 'Exhibiting Russia: The Two London Russian Exhibitions of 1917 and 1935', Slavonica, XVI, no. 1, 29-39.
437) 'Two Russian Exhibitions in London (1917 and 1935) in Their Historical Context', in Na putiakh k vzaimoponimaniiu. Rossiia i Britaniia, vol. 5 (Moscow: Nauka), 275-88. [variant of no. 436]
438) 'The Queen's House on the Neva: A History', St Petersburg News, no. 35 (1574) (Tuesday 18 May), 10-11.
439) '"General Swallow": Suvorov in British Caricature', in Khudozhestvennyi perevod i sravnitel'noe izuchenie kul'tur. Pamiati Iu. D. Levina (St Petersburg: Nauka), 460-69.
440) '"Podlinnye pis'ma iz Rossii" v literaturno-istoricheskom kontekste', in Podlinnye pis'ma iz Rossii 1825-1828, trans. M. Vishniakov (St Petersburg: Dmitrii Bulanin), 9-20.
441) 'Tavricheskii dvorets glazami britanskikh posetitelei, 1789-1807 gg.', in Tavricheskie chteniia, II (St Petersburg: Tsentr istoii parlamentarizma), 20-32.
442) 'Britanskii Petr', in Kul'turnye initsiativy Petra Velikogo: Materialy II Mezhdunarodnogo kongressa petrovskikh gorodov (St Petersburg: Evropeiskii dom), 74-82.
443) '"Raznoobraznye anekdoty o Petre Pervom" Dzhona Bella (1779 god)', ibid., 83-92.
444) 'Elizabet Rigbi (Ledi Istleik), Rossiia i izdatel'skii dom Miurrei', Kul'turnyi palimpsest: sbornik statei k 60-letiiu Vsevoloda Evgen'evicha Bagno (St Petersburg: Nauka), 280-89.
445) 'Two English "Lady Travellers" in Russia and the House of Murray', Slavonica, XVII, 1-14.
446) Ed., 'A people passing rude': British Responses to Russian Culture (Cambridge: Open Book Publishers). xvi+330pp.
447) 'By Way of Introduction: British Reception, Perception and Recognition of Russian Culture', ibid., 1-35.
448) 'William Henry Leeds and Early British Responses to Russian Literature', ibid., 53-68.
449) 'From the Assassination to Tilsit: The British in Russia and Their Travel Writings (1801-1807), JES, XLII, no. 1, 1-17.
450) 'Scots in the Service of the Great Catherine', in Catherine the Great: An Enlightened Empress (Edinburgh: National Museums Scotland), 133-49.
451) 'Rasskaz o kubke, pistolete i perchatkakh, a eshche o dereve: istoriia nekotorykh predmetov v Anglii, sviazannykh s imenem Petra Velikogo', in Petrovskie relikvii v sobraniiakh Rossii i Evropy; materialy III Mezhdunarodnogo kongressa petrovskikh gorodov (St Petersburg: Evropeiskii dom), 170-76.
452) 'Sigmund von Herberstein, Comentari della Moscovia (Venice 1550)', in Christopher Pressler and Karen Attar (eds.), Senate House Library University of London (London: Scala), no. 12.
453) Review of Beatrice Teissier, Russian Frontiers: Eighteenth-Century British Travellers in the Caspian, Caucasus and Central Asia (Oxford: Signal Books, 2011), JES, XLII, 313-14.
454) Review of Anne Mézin and Vladislav Rjéoutski (eds), Les Français en Russie au Siècle des Lumières: Dictionnaire des Français, Suisses, Wallons et autres francophones en Russie de Pierre le Grand à Paul Iier, 2 vols. (Ferney-Voltaire, 2011), JES, XLII, 314-16.
455) Angliiskii Petr: Petr Velikii glazami britantsev XVII-XX vekov (St Petersburg: Evropeiskii dom). 224pp. [Revised Russian version of no. 335]
456) 'Pervye pechatnye otzyvy o smerti Pushkina v Anglii', in N. Iu. Alekseeva and A. A. Kostin (eds), Aonidy: sbornik statei v chest' Natal'i Dmitrievny Kochetkovoi (Moskva-Sankt-Peterburg: Al'ians-Arkheo), 184-90.
457) In the Lands of the Romanovs: An Annotated Bibliography of First-Hand English-Language Accounts of the Russian Empire, 1613-1917 (Cambridge: Open Book Publishers). 419pp.
458) 'Wild Russia and the Age of Adventure', Russia beyond the Headlines, Tuesday 1 April 2014, 8.
459) '"Oni": russkie ob inostrantsakh', in Simon Franklin and Emma Widdis (eds.), Natsional'naia identichnost' v russkoi kul'ture (Moscow: Rosspen), 89-109 [Russian version of no. 379]
460) '"The enthusiasm that one has here for Russians": Alexander I Visits England in 1814', in E.N. Kal'shchikov (ed.), Sankt-Peterburg-Velikobritaniia XVIII-XXI vv. (St Petersburg: Evropeiskii dom), 14-29.
461) Review of Rebecca Beasley and Philip Ross Bullock (eds), Russia in Britain, 1880-1940: From Melodrama to Modernism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013), JES, XLIV.
462) Review of Helen Goscilo (ed), Putin as Celebrity and Cultural Icon (London: Routledge, 2014), JES, XLIV, 447-49.
463) 'English – A Serious Challenge to French in the Reign of Alexander I?', Russian Review, LXXV (January), 57-68.
464) 'Britanskii turist v imperskoi Rossii', A.V. Kobak et alii (eds), Rossiia-Velikobritaniia: piat' vekov kul'turnykh sviazei (St Petersburg: Evropeiskii dom), pp. 46-56.
465) Review of Roderick Heather, An Accidental Relationship: Stories of the British in Tsarist Russia (London: Macauley, 2014), JES, XLV, pp.88-9.
466) Review of Alison Rowley, Open Letters: Russian Popular Culture and the Picture Postcard, 1880-1922 (Toronto, Buffalo, NY, and London: University of Toronto Press, 2013), JES, XLV, 390-92.
467) 'Introduction: The Hidden Treasures of the Review Section of JES' to Uwe Schütte, 'Sebald v. Academia: Sebald as Reviewer' JES, XLVI, pp. 160-1.
468) 'Poezdka Petra v Portsmut i memorial'nye doski v oznamenovanie etogo sobytiia', in A.V. Kobak et alii (eds), Petrovskie pamiatniki Rossii i Evropy: izuchenie, sokhranenie, kul'turnyi turizm (St Petersburg: Evropeiskii dom), 326-31.
469) 'Masson's Mémoires secrets sur la Russie and Their Contemporary Reception in England', in Pieter Boulogne et al. (eds), "Liubliu tebia, Petra tvoren'e"; "Ik Hou Van Jou, Peters Creatie': Festschrift voor Emmanuel Waegemans (Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Pegasus), 359-70.
470) 'Scotland at the Russian Front: Robert Scotland Liddell, War Correspondent and Photographer, Red Cross Worker and Russian Officer', Slavonica, XXI, issues 1-2, 16-36.
471) Review of Beatrice Teissier (ed.), Into the Kazakh Steppe: John Castle's Mission to Khan Abulkhayir (1736) (Oxford: Signal Books, 2014), JES, XLVI, 89-90.
472) Review of Eleanor L. Pray, Letters from Vladivostok, 1894-1930, ed. Birgitta Ingemanson (Seattle, WA, and London: University of Washington Press, 2013), JES, XLVI, 92-3.
473) Review of Lesley Milne, Humorous-Satirical Magazines in Britain, France, Germany and Russia (Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016), JES, XLVI, 378-9.
474) 'Brown Sites and Green Lawns: The Tercentenary of Lancelot 'Capability' Brown: A Review Essay', JES, XLVII, 67-74.
475) Review of Susan Jaques, The Empress of Art: Catherine the Great and the Transformation of Russia (New York and London: Pegasus Books, 2015), JES, XLVII, 93-95.
476) 'Vzgliad iz-za La-Mansha: Prebyvanie Petra I v Parizhe v kontekste anglo-rossiiskikh otnoshenii', in A.V. Kobak et al. (eds), Evropeiskie marshruty Petra Velikogo: K 300-letiiu vizita Petra I vo Frantsiiu (St Petersburg: Evropeiskii dom), 99-107.
477) 'Exhibiting Russia: The Historical Context', in Stephen Patterson (ed), Russia: Art, Royalty and the Romanovs (London: Royal Collection Trust), xiv-xvi.
478) 'Ekaterina Velikaia v gody ee pravleniia na portretakh britanskikh khudozhnikov', in A. Demin and A. Veselova (eds), Dar druzhestva i muz: sbornik statei v chest' Natal'i Dmitrievny Kochetkovoi (Moscow/St Petersburg: Al'ians-Arkheo), 166-79.
479) Review of Simon Boyd, Lady Sybil: Empire, War and Revolution (Kendal: Hayloft Publishing, 2017), JES, XLVIII, 38-39.
480) 'Echoes of the Flight and Trial of the Tsarevich Aleksei Petrovich in Contemporary English Sources', in Iskra Schwarcz (ed), Die Flucht des Thronfolgers Aleksej: Krise in der "Balance of Power" und den österreichisch-russischen Beziehungen am Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts (Berlin/Vienna: LIT-Verlag), 301-10.
481) Review of Tobie Mathew, Greetings from the Barricades: Revolutionary Postcards in Imperial Russia (London: Four Corner Books, 2018), JES, XLIX, 507-8.
482) Review of Mary McAuley, Remembering Leningrad: The Story of a Generation (Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 2019), JES, XL.
483) 'The Presidential Address: The Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia: The First Fifty Years', in R. Baudin (ed), title to be announced (Strasbourg: Strasbourg University Press).
484) 'Catherine II, the Cathcarts, and Russian Anglophilia' in Louise Hardiman (ed), Russia: Courtly Gifts and Cultural Diplomacy.
© Anthony Cross, 2019