Russia and the World of the Eighteenth Century. Proceedings of the III International Conference of the Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia, held at Indiana University, Bloomington IN, USA, September 1984, edited by Roger Bartlett, Anthony G. Cross & Karen Rasmussen (Columbus, OH: Slavica, 1988).

Introduction [vi]

I. The Search for a National Identity

Daniel L. Schlafly Jr., The Popular Image of the West in Russia at the Time of Peter the Great [pp. 2-21]

K. A. Papmehl, The Quest for the Nation's Cultural Roots in Russian Historiography before Karamzin [pp. 22-35]

A. Lentin, Shcherbatov, Constitutionalism and the "Despotism" of Sweden's Gustav III [pp. 36-57]

Max Okenfuss, Discussant's Comments [pp. 58-60]

II. Religion (I)

L. R. Lewitter, Peter the Great's Attitude toward Religion: From Traditional Piety to Rational Theology [pp. 62-77]

Pia Pera, S. S. Gnusin and P. O. Liubopytnyi: Two Different Old Believer Responses to the Enlightenment [pp. 78-90]

Horst Röhling, Observations on Religious Publishing in Eighteenth-Century Russia [pp. 91-110]

III. Religion (II)

Brenda Meehan-Waters, Russian Convents and the Secularisation of Monastic Property [pp. 112-124]

John Klier, Muscovite Faces and Petersburg Masks: The Problem of Relgious Judeophobia in Eighteenth-Century Russia [pp. 125-140]

Gregory Freeze, Discussant's Comments [pp. 141-145]

IV. Learning and Science

Max Okenfuss, The Impact of Technical Training in Eighteenth-Century Russia [pp. 147-156]

Dianne Farrell, Laughter Transformed: The Shift from Medieval to Enlightenment Humour in Russian Popular Prints [pp. 157-176]

W. Gareth Jones, Russia's First Magazine for Children: Novikov's "Detskoe chtenie dlia serdtsa i razuma" (1785-89) [pp. 177-187]

K. Papmehl, Discussant's Comments [pp. 188-191]

V. Public Welfare (I)

Roger P. Bartlett, Russia in the Eighteenth-Century European Adoption of Inoculation for Smallpox [pp. 193-213]

Anthony G. Cross, The Philanthropist, the Travelling Tutor and the Empress: British Visitors and Catherine II's Plans for Penal and Medical Reform [pp. 214-228]

Abby McKinnon, Duels and the Matter of Honour [pp. 229-242]

John Alexander, Discussant's Comments [pp. 243-245]

VI. Public Welfare (II)

David Ransel, Undervaluation of Females: Evidence from the Foundling Homes [pp. 247-257]

Carol Nash, Students and Rubles: The Society for the Education of Noble Girls as a Charitable Institution [pp. 258-272]

Patrick O'Meara, Prince D. A. Golitsyn and his Proposals for Social Reform [pp. 273-287]

VII. Visual Arts

Lindsey Hughes, N. A. L'vov and the Russian Country House [pp. 289-300]

Dianne Farrell, Discussant's Comments [pp. 301-304]

VIII. Literature

William Edgerton, Ambivalence as the Key to Kniazhnin's Tragedy "Vadim Novgorodskii" [pp. 306-315]

Gitta Hammarberg, The Idyll as Prototype for Sentamentalist Fiction [pp. 316-331]

Sidney Monas, Derzhavin's Petersburg [pp. 332-343]

G. S. Smith, Discussant's Comments [pp. 344-345]

IX. Western European Influences on Russian Literature

Марк Альтшуллер, Крылов и Вольтерьянство [pp. 347-359]

G. S. Smith, The Most Proximate West: Russian Poets and the German Academicians, 1728-41 [pp. 360-370]

I. R. Titunik, Apollos Baibakov's "Правила питическия" and Vasilii Trediakovskii: Toward an Understanding of Russian Humanism in the Eighteenth Century [pp. 371-387]

M. Green, Italian Scandal as Russian Tragedy: Kheraskov's "Venetsianskaia monakhinia" [pp. 388-399]

X. Freemasonry

Kenneth Craven, The First Chamber of Novikov's Masonic Library [pp. 401-410]

Gilbert McArthur, Novikov and Catherine II: Some Observations [pp. 411-418]

Alexander Levitsky, Masonic Elements in Russian Eighteenth-Century Religious Poetry [pp. 419-436]

И. Ф. Мартынов, Ранные масонские стихи и песни в собрании библиотеки Академии Наук СССР (К истории литературно-общественной полемики 1760-х гг.) [pp. 437-444]

XI. Government

David Griffiths, To Live Forever: Catherine II, Voltaire and the Pursuit of Immortality [pp. 446-468]

James Duran, Catherine the Great and the Origin of the Russian State Debt [pp. 469-480]

V. Kamendrowsky, State and Enterprise in the Thought of N. I. Panin [pp. 481-492]

Hugh Ragsdale, New Light on the Greek Project: A Preliminary Report [pp. 493-501]

Robert E. Jones, Discussant's Comments [pp. 502-504]

XII. The Rural Order

James G. Hart, Razin's Second Coming: Pugachev's Rebellion in the Middle Volga Region, July-August 1774 [pp. 506-520]

Bruce DeHart, The Pugachev Revolt and its Effect on the Inductrial Work-Force of the Urals: A Reconsideration [pp. 521-532]

Robert Givens, To Measure and to Encroach: The Nobility and the Land Survey [pp. 533-547]

Walter Pinter, Discussant's Comments [pp. 548-549]

XIII. Commerce

George Munro, The Role of the "Вексель" in Russian Capital Formation: A Preliminary Inquiry [pp. 551-564]

Robert E. Jones, Ukrainian Grain and the St Petersburg Market [pp. 565-576]

William Rougle, Antonio Manuel de Vieira and the Russian Court, 1697-1745 [pp. 577-590]

XIV. Russia and the World

Glynn Barratt, Spain, Russia and Anglophobe Entente in the Pacific, 1789-99 [pp. 592-602]

Barbara Maggs, Fedor Karzhavin and Vasilii Baranshchikov: Russian Travellers in the Caribbean and Colonial America [pp. 603-614]


John Alexander, Politics, Passions, Patronage: Catherine II and Petr Zavadovskii [pp. 616-633]

Илья Серман, Kантемир и Буало (Проблема литературной ориентации) [pp. 634-650]

Gerald Seaman, A Musical Entertainment [pp. 651-665]

Marc Raeff, On the Heterogeneity of the Eighteenth Century in Russia [pp. 666-679]