Days from the Reigns of Eighteenth-Century Russian Rulers. Proceedings of a Workshop, dedicated to the Memory of Professor Lindsey Hughes, held at the Biblioteca de Storia Contemporanea 'A Oriani', Ravenna, Italy, 12-13 September 2007, edited by Anthony Cross (Cambridge: SGECR, 2007).
Introduction [p. 1]
Part I
Reign of Peter I
Paul Dukes, 1 September 1689: The Fall of Sophia, the Rise of Peter [p. 4]
Maria Cristina Bragone, 17 May 1698: Peter Supports Secular Printing [p. 13]
Nancy Kollman, 27 October 1698: Peter Punishes the Strel'tsy [p. 23]
Robin Milner-Gulland, 16 May 1703: St Petersburg, the Foundation Myth [p. 37]
Gary Marker, 30 October 1708: A Very Bad Day for Peter [p. 49]
Denis Shaw, 2 November 1716: Publishing Geographies for Peter [p. 61]
Reign of Peter II
Maria di Salvo, 30 November 1729: The Betrothal of Peter II and Ekaterina Dolgorukaia [p. 71]
Reign of Elizabeth
Paul Keenan, 23 December 1742: Elizaveta Petrovna's Ceremonial Entry into St Petersburg [p. 79]
Simon Dixon, 30 July 1752: The Opening of the Peter Canal at Kronstadt [p. 93]
Polly Blakesley, 23 October 1757: Lomonosov, Shuvalov and the Foundation of the Academy of Arts [p. 109]
Part II
Reign of Peter III
Ron Vroon, 9 June 1762: The Tears of an Empress; Or, The Toast that toppled an Emperor [p. 121]
Reign of Catherine II
Roger Bartlett, 30 October 1763: The Beginning of Abolitionism in Russia [p. 135]
Wendy Rosslyn, 5 May 1764: The Founding of the Smol'nyi Institute [p. 149]
Elise Wirtschafter, 20 September 1765: Tsesarevich Paul's Eleventh Birthday and Platon's "Sermon on Learning" [p. 163]
Anthony Cross, 8 August 1768: The Laying of the Foundation Stone of Rinaldi's St Isaac's Cathedral [p. 173]
Robert Dimsdale, 20 October 1768: Dr Dimsdale Spends a Day with the Empress [p. 185]
Gareth Jones, 22 September 1769: Latest News! [p. 197]
Mark Altshuller, 12 February 1785: Premiere of Nikolev's Tragedy "Sorena i Zamir" [p. 205]
Reign of Alexander I
Patrick O'Meara, 27 September 1825: The Funeral of the Duellist Konstantin Chernov [p. 221]