51st Annual Meeting of the Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia

High Leigh Conference Centre, Hoddesdon, 4-6 January 2010

Monday 4 January

1700-1830 Rob Collis (Sheffield): 'Stars Rule Over People, but God Rules Over the Stars': The Astrological Worldview of Boris Kurakin (1676-1727)

Tuesday 5 January

0930-1030 Galina Babkova (RGGU, Moscow): Public crimes in Catherine II's Penal Code and Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England: The Problem of Transfer

1100-1300 Researching Eighteenth-Century Russia: A Roundtable Presentation

1630-1800 Gary Marker (SUNY, New York): 'Love One's Enemies': Ioasaf Krokovs'kyi's Advice to Peter in 1702

Wednesday 6 January

0930-1100 Kirill Ospovat (Moscow/London): The Social Fashioning of an Intellectual in Eighteenth-Century Russia: Towards a Biography of Mikhail Lomonosov

1130-1300 Bianca Sulpasso (Rome): On the Borderline between Literature and быт: A Satire on the Old Believers in the Cycle of Adam Olsuf’ev

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