53rd Annual Meeting of the Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia
High Leigh Conference Centre, Hoddesdon, 4-6 January 2012
Wednesday 4 January
1600-1730 Giuseppina Larocca (PhD student in Slavic Literature, Dept of Linguistics, University of Pisa): Jakob Stählin (1709-85): A German одописец at the Russian Court
1930-2100 Ekaterina Skvortsova (Postgraduate student, Dept of History of Russian Art, St Petersburg State University and Paul Mellon Centre, London): The Art of J. A. Atkinson and RussianEnglish Artistic Links at the turn of the Nineteenth Century
Thursday 5 January
0930-1100 Natalia Bolotina (Lecturer in the Dept of History of the Russian State, Russian Academy of Economics and State Service under the auspices of the President of the Russian Federation): Институт фаворитизма в Российской империи XVIII в.: Григорий Потемкин при дворе Екатерины Великой
1130-1300 Yusuke Toriyama (Associate Professor, Dept of Philology, Chiba University): Images of the Volga River in Russian Poetry from the reign of Catherine II through the Napoleonic Wars
1630-1800 Gary Marker (SUNY, New York): The Geopolitics of Богоматерь between Kyiv and Moscow (Late SeventeenthEarly Eighteenth Century)
1900-2000 Business Meeting
Friday 6 January
0930-1100 Christian Steppan (Doctoral candidate, Dept of History, University of Innsbruck): Actors at the Foreign Court: Imperial Ambassadors' Representation of the Sovereign and Political Communication at the Russian Court (172142)
1130-1300 Federica Rossi (Post‐Doctoral Fellow, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa): Andrea Palladio in Russia and the Case of Nikolaj L’vov
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