54th Annual Meeting of the Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia

High Leigh Conference Centre, Hoddesdon, 4-6 January 2013

Friday 4 January

1600-1730 Simon Franklin (University of Cambridge): Technologies of Power in Eighteenth-Century Russia: The Origins and Typology (not to mention Typography) of Printed Blank Forms

1930-2030 Business Meeting

Saturday 5 January

0900-1000 Elizaveta Druzhinina (RGADA, Moscow): Путешествие князя Николая Борисовича Юсупова в Британию в 1776 году

1000-1100 Eugene Miakinkov (University of Alberta): Rumiantsev, Potemkin and Suvorov and the Use of Symbolic Displays in the Armies of Catherine II

1130-1300 Natalya Bayer (Drake University): The Transmission of Ideas from Europe to Russia via Masonic Lodges

1630-1800 Charlotte Henze (Zurich): The Russo-Finnish Border in the Eighteenth Century

Sunday 6 January

0900-1000 Tatiana Lapteva (RGADA, Moscow): Английские предприниматели Гарднеры в России: их деятельность в XVIII веке

1000-1100 Kirill Ospovat (Freie Universtät Berlin): The Poetics of War and Peace: Frederick II and Peter III

1130-1300 Vladislav Rjéoutski (University of Bristol): The French Language in Russia in the Eighteenth Century: Building an Online Corpus of Documents

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