57th Annual Meeting of the Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia

High Leigh Conference Centre, Hoddesdon, 3-5 January 2016

Monday 5 January

1630-1800 Ekaterina Skvortsova (Institute of History, St Petersburg State University), The Validation of the Russian Emperor’s Title in the Illustrations of the ‘Dialogues of the Dead’

2000-2100 Business Meeting

Tuesday 6 January

0930-1100 Ekaterina Kislova (Lomonosov Moscow State University), Языки русского духовенства первой половины восемнадцого века: церковнославянский, русский, латынь

1130-1300 Julia Leikin (SSEES, UCL), 'There is more than one way to serve the ruler': Exploring казенные, вольные, and партиулярные Forces in the long Eighteenth Century

1430-1600 Hilmar Preuss (Research Associate, Leopoldina, Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften), Contacts between the German Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina) and Russia in the long Eighteenth Century: A Sphere of Cultural Translations

1630-1800 Vladislav Rjeoutski (GHI Moscow), Как стать европейцем? Российское дворянство учит иностранные языки (эпоха Петра I)

Wednesday 7 January

0930-1100 Tilman Plath (Ernst Moritz Arndt Universität Greifswald), Too Many Windows on Russia? Foreign Trade Policy and Economic Thought in Russia in the Eighteenth Century

1130-1300 Iannis Carras (Albert Ludwigs Universität Freiburg), Godparenthood, Surety and the Migration of Greeks to the Russian Empire (Eighteenth – early Nineteenth Centuries)

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