Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter Volume 35 (2007)

In Memoriam:
Professor Lindsey Hughes (1949-2007) (Anthony Cross) [p. 1]
Professor John Klier (1944-2007) (Janet Hartley) [p. 7]
Professor Lucjan Lewitter (1922-2007) (Simon Dixon) [p. 12]

Synopses of Papers Read at the 48th Meeting of the Study Group

Elena Marassinova, On Political Discourse in Russia of the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century [pp. 15]
Janet Hartley, Russia, 1762-1825: A Garrison State? [pp.21]
Philip Longworth, Enlightenment as a Tool of Imperial Expansion? The Imperial Academy of Sciences and Russia's Annexation of Georgia [pp.28]
Colum Leckey, 'The Decay of Agriculture': Provincial Public Opinion and the Peasant Question in Catherinian Russia [pp. 31]
Kirill Ospovat, Towards a Cultural History of the Court of Elizaveta Petrovna [pp.36]
Rodolphe Baudin, The Public Self and the Intimate Body in Radishchev's Exile Correspondence [pp. 46]


Елена Елкова, К Британское слово - в русском быту, в русской истории и в русской литературе [pp.52]


Vitalii Ievlev and Anthony Cross, An Anglo-Russian Medallic Mystery [p. 69]

Book Reviews

Гузел' В. Ибнеева, Путешествия Екатерины II: Опыт "Основания" имперского пространства. Kazan': Kazanskii Gos. Universitet, 2006 (Roger Bartlett)
О. А. Омельченко, Традиции и наследие русского права: очерки и статьи. Moscow, MGIU, 2006 (Paul Dukes)
J. M. R. Lenz. Moskauer Schriften und Briefe (J. M. R. Lenz. Moscow Writings and Letters). Herausgegeben und kommentiert von Heribert Tommek. 2 vols, Berlin: Weidler Buchverlag, 2007 (Roger Bartlett)

From our Correspondent – North of the Border

Editor's Postbag