SGECR Occasional Series No.1

Mixed Blessing: The Impact of Suttonian Smallpox Inoculation in the later Eighteenth Century

Robert Dimsdale (St.Aubin-Sauges, Neuchâtel)

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Note: There are two lists provided below, as a distinction has been made between titles published near the time of the events discussed in this essay (up to 1825) and all subsequent studies.

Before 1825 (not including the 1768 publications in Table 1). Primary sources − mostly printed.

Anon., [?T. Dimsdale] A Dissuasive against inoculating for the Small-pox in a letter to a Gentleman, &c. To which is added a Parallel between the Scripture Notion of Divine Resignation, and the Modern Practice of receiving the Small-pox by Inoculation: in a Second letter to a Gentleman, wherein the Opinion of Dr. Doddridge is particularly taken notice of, and examined (London, 1751)

Anon., Inoculation made easy. Containing a full and true discovery of the method practised in the County of Essex… (Chelmsford, 1766)

Anon., An Account of the Rise, Progress, and State of the Hospitals, for relieving poor People afflicted with the Small-Pox, and for Inoculation: from its First Institution (26 September 1746) to 24 March 1768 (London, 1770)

Anon., The Tryal of Mr Daniel Sutton (London, 1767)

Anon., Inoculation for the small pox, Manifested not to be repugnant to Religion or Reason, but rather An incumbent Duty in Obedience to both (London, 1768)

Anon., Kratkoe i iasnoe nastavlenie, kakim obrazom' soderzhat' bol'nago kak v natural'noi, tak i v privivnoi ospe po metodu Gospodina Barona Dimsdalia (St Petersburg, 1770)

Anon., [?J. Sims] A letter to J. C. Lettsom … occasioned by Baron Dimsdale’s Remarks on Dr Lettsom’s letter to Sir Robert Barker, and G Stacpoole, Esq upon general inoculation by an uninterested spectator (London, 1779)

Anon., Considerations on the propriety of a plan for inoculating the poor of London in their own houses (London, 1779)

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Baker, T., A poem on winter … . To which is added, a poem addressed to Mr. Sutton … (Ipswich, [1767])

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Frewen, T., The Practice and Theory of Inoculation with an Account of its Success in a letter to a friend, by Thomas Frewen, Surgeon, at Rye, in Sussex (London, 1749)

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© Robert Dimsdale, 2017